Think I know what happened. Dave's last post was a zinger to us Cubs fans when he reprinted the standings after the first day of the season and said we should look at those standings because it would be the last time we ever see the Cubs in first. We all know which team hit the golf course first. Seriously, even though he is a Sox fan, I hope all is well - I have enjoyed the Sox/Cubs banter all my life.
The last time I remember hearing from him was right before us Chicagoans got together earlier this year in our "mini reunion". He indicated that he would be there...but then never showed up.
I'm a hoping that "no news is good news" here...but, it's a bit scary, if you ask me.............
Heh...I do remember that post zinging us Cubs fans...LOL! I do enjoy that banter, too....
Speaking of which...Ozzie Guillen the new Sox manager...not a bad choice....