Anyone here ever had a Picc line?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I have 5 doses of IV germ killer (Gorillamycin a.k.a. Vancomycin) left then most likely my picc line will be taken out. Has anyone had one and who removed it? Was it painful removing it? :confused:
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UW actually has a "PICC Nurse" who came around and removed mine the night before I went home. The only part that hurt was ripping the adhesive tape off :eek: No sensation otherwise.

It didn't hurt but you will be surprised how long the tube in your arm goes all the way into your superior vena cava.

Don't sweat this one.
Thanks Johnny. My visiting nurse that was here today, said she'd probably get the order to pull it Friday. She said it's roughly 18" long and smaller then the angiocaths that they use for regular I.V.'s. She said no one has ever said that it hurt coming out, but I've had nurses fib to me before. Thanks for the confirmation! :)
Hi Ross,

I had a picc line for almost 8 weeks at home when I was 13. I had it taken out a week before Christmas, I decorated the IV pole with garland and ornaments. But if I remember correctly it didn't hurt at all coming out. I believe it hurt more going in. If I did it at age 13, I'm sure you'll be fine. I think Johnny's right, The tape hurts more, OUCH! ;) Good luck!
The PICC line is history and it did not hurt at all removing it. What did hurt was snipping the sutures, but no big deal. That puppy was 18 1/2 inches long or 47cm.

Thanks again everyone!