Anyone heard from Gillian UK ??

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Hi Everyone

Has anyone heard from Gillian? I haven't seen her leave messages on this website for a while and am wondering if everything is OK with her and her husband.

Unfortunately, I do not have a phone number or address for her. Otherwise I could make contact. Does anyone know her email address?

Hope all is well with you.



Hi Jonathan - thanks for thinking of me. I haven't been around for a bit as life is pretty tough at the moment with my husband's dementia getting worse all the time so its been like having a 24 hour job. I'm just starting to find ways of getting some help so I can get a break. But I am desperately tired most of the time and heaven alone knows what my blood pressure must be. I know I shall be ill if I go on like this. Anyone who has lived with the problem will know just what I am talking about.

I do hope you are finding ways of dealing with your health concerns.

(PS It will be a year in March since I had my AVR and I can hardly see my scar!).
Thinking of You !!

Thinking of You !!

Hi Gillian

Just checked the message board before going to sleep and saw you had replied. So good to hear from you.

I'm truly sorry to hear of your husband's dimentia and the stress you are under. You do sound down. I'm sorry and really hope you get some practical help soon. It's not good for you to do all this alone.

You are in my prayers Gillian. Please keep me posted.

God Bless,



Hi Gillian ..I too was relieved to see you post ....I'm sorry to hear about your husband mother has had ALzhiemers for over 16 yrs now took us ages to get my father to accept that he needed help with her the time he did he had made himself ill ..and was nearly at breakdown point ...please don't so this to yourself ...there is help out there ..we got Help from Alzheimers Scotland ,from a local carers society and we also went to our GP need some help ..get some NOW ...Please ...
Sadly our father died about 5 yrs ago ...and my mother is in a long term care hospital ,she needs to be in a hospital as she is on medication and has had several strokes ...We all wonder if we would have had our father with us for a little longer if he had not been so worn out taking care of Mum ..anyway I just wanted you to know we are thinking of you here .Take care
my dear Gillian - I have been asking about you and was afraid your husband was worse, but nobody knew. So happy you stopped in.

I took care of my Joe for one entire year, never leaving his side. I knew our time together was limited and precious. Others brought his medicine and groceries we needed. It was a mistake on my part, but emotions at a time like that don't allow you to make good decisions. After his time was gone, I found I was ill and eventually had to have quad bypass. So, from me to you, Gillian, please find some help - family to stay awhile so you can go off someplace or to another room to rest, your church, your community, a neighbor - there has to be respite for you someplace and you must get it. If not, you could be ill and that just won't do. You have walked the long road to get where you are and we don't want you to have to walk it again. My sincerest prayers are with you. We have missed your posts and are so glad to see you again. Stop in when you can just to let us know you are still there and how you aree getting on. Love to you - Hensylee
Hi Gillian-

Hi Gillian-

So nice to hear from you. I was so sad to hear that your dear husband is having some difficulties. It's an easy thing to lose sight of your own needs when you have to take such intensive care of your loved one, but you won't be able to help him if you get sick also.

It sounds as if there are some options for respite care for him so you can distance yourself, if for only a little while. One must try to gain a larger perspective and not forget how to interact with other people and try as you can to rest your body.

Please stop by from time to time and fill us in on you and how things are going with your husband. You have lots of friends here.

Hugs from upstate New York.
Thinking of you both

Thinking of you both

Hi Gillian,
I am so sorry to hear that your husbands health has got worse,and I hope you manage to get some help soon.

I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers



I read your reply on this post. You are one of the gentlest, kindest people I've every met. Your words were even comforting to me. Your husband must have treasured you......

Actually I'm kind of going through the same thing myself. My husband is the one who had thr valves replaced, and frankly he hasn't yet bounced back as well as we had hoped. (please notice I said yet). And, when I am at work, I feel that I am wasting prescious time.....that he and I should be together, making memories, and having a wee bit of fun. Then on those days when I get home and he is a bit bummed, I feel that much stronger about it.

Going backwards, though, please keep helping people. You are just so kind.

Thanks, MB. Actually, you should not feel guilty for being at work. You need time away and he might, too. But when you are at home, the time and opportunity is there to make those memories which serve to guide and help us later, if that becomes the case. I pray you will have many more years together. All you need is love for each other and it just happens. God bless both of you.:)