Anyone eaten heart??

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Dawn-Marie said:
Hi...Yes, as a child my father and i used to fight over turkey and chicken gizzards and hearts as we both loved them. They are delicious!! Dawn-Marie
I will take your word for that yuck, i even throw chicken giblets in the bin.
BTW. what are turkey gizzards, i might of not knowingly ate one of those?
After reading the posts in this thread I think I will give up meat all together. Pleas pass the toffu,bean sprouts and banana pudding.:D
hensylee said:
Odd thing is I married a man from Chicago and he once requested some. I was surprised to know they do it in Chicago, a large city. thought it was country fare.

Well, I'm from Chicago and I grew up with organ meats. They used to be very cheap or even free, and they kept us from starving. My mother is a very good cook, and could disguise just about anything except kidneys (even liver!). My husband, who actually likes organ meats, likes everything in that department. After his OHS, he requested liver and tongue to replace some of the iron. You can't get decent kidneys around here-too big and tough. Sometimes you can get sweetbreads. No brains since the mad cow scare. Beef hearts are hard to get, but good if you prepare them correctly-it just seems like a slightly chewy piece of meat. A friend of mine from Peru liked to marinate them and make kabobs!
My husband likes chicken and turkey giblets of all kinds.

The only meats and variety meats I don't like are the ones that I knew before eating them. We raise chickens, and finally I had to tell Chris that I wouldn't eat a "named" chicken. I didn't care to know that we were eating "Fred" at dinner, so meat birds are never named, now. This was noraml for Chris, but I am from Chicago...

Balmy in Idaho,