Anyone East Of Me, Look Out For The Weather!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
The weather here just turned wacko suddenly. We are having a very fine snow, extremely gusty winds, along with Thunder. If it were snowing normal snow flakes, this would be a Thunder Blizzard!:eek:
The craziest of weather huh? It was nice here in VA today and then suddenly became very cold and windy late afternoon early evening. No snow or thunder though. I'll have to check with my family in PA and see if they had any strange weather. Only you Ross could come up with a Thunder Blizzard!;)

Take Care!
Honestly, that is about how it is/was. We still have gusty wind, but the snow and thunder stopped. We don't see this happen very often. Maybe once in 10 years?
We had rain here, LOTS at times. Had snow on the ground most of Dec., now getting near Christmas, and thanks to the rain and 40 degree weather the ground is bare . Oh well!
I had to drive to logan to pick up mother-in-law coming up from S. Carolina. all this during the rain, lights, and Fri. evening commute. Oh, what a nite. At least it wasn't snow or would have stayed in Boston because that would have been some snow storm. So I should look on the bright side, hey.:D