This thread reminded me of the good and the bad and...
This thread reminded me of the good and the bad and...
One of the best dogs I ever had followed me home from school when I was a girl. Oh, how I loved that dog. She was my loyal friend and followed me everywhere but had some terror issues and destroyed most of the screens and doors of our beautiful home when it would thunder. So one day I came home from school and my folks had taken her to the next town over and dropped her off. I was devastated. But my dad made sure she was okay and she had adopted someone else to love there in that town. When I got my driver's license, guess where is one of the first places I drove to...
One of the worst dogs we ever had came to live with us after she ran out in front of my car in the rain several years ago and I hit the brakes and we rescued her. We couldn't find her owners at first; and then, when we finally located them, they didn't want her back. That should have been a clue... She had some similar terror issues but she was also a vindictive and destructive little beast. She destroyed all of the french doors on a new addition of our home, she intentionally deficated on our new carpet, she shredded all of our outdoor furniture, she caused some upsetting issues with the neighbors and we felt like they were within reason to be upset... Oh, how I intensely disliked that lousy dog, but she had instantly bonded with one of my boys and I didn't want him to go through what I had gone through so we kept her. We suffered with that destructive, pschologically-unhinged, little monster for eight years. She's gone now (happily for me) and we have two more wonderful dogs...
And one of them is just about the ugliest dog I have ever seen, but how I love that dog...