Anybody ever look into a 9X mirror?

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I just purchased a 9x magnifying make-up mirror.:eek:

I don't think anyone over 15 should be looking into one of those.:D
Incoming message from the Big Giant Head

Incoming message from the Big Giant Head

I keep hearing my head is way too big already so I probably wont be getting one of these
hi nancy!
funny you should mention that.... i was out "makeup mirror shopping" and the salesgirl told me that i would not like the 9X. naturally, out of curiosity, i had to take a look...
well, if you want to notice every little line and imperfection, that's the mirror of choice_ how dreadful it was!!!
i couldn't believe what i saw that is not visible to the naked eye!!!
you're right, not for anyone over 15!!
hope you and joe are well,
Photo close-ups

Photo close-ups

I hate when someone sticks a camera right in your face and clicks..:eek: :eek: At my age, I don't have a good side anymore:D :D Shows every wrinkle .and number of extra chins.:D :D Bonnie
Re: Photo close-ups

Re: Photo close-ups

Granbonny said:
I hate when someone sticks a camera right in your face and clicks..:eek: :eek: At my age, I don't have a good side anymore:D :D Shows every wrinkle .and number of extra chins.:D :D Bonnie

Hmm, now that gives me an idea. :D

OH Bonnie, Say Cheese!

Well, Speaking for myself...LOL

Well, Speaking for myself...LOL

Hi Nancy,

Just wanted to interject that speaking for myself, I tend to crack any mirror I approach...LOL It must be a personal Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I try to have a sense of humor about everything. God Knows it is helping me get through things right now...Take Care, Harrybaby666:D :D :D :D
Big Giant Head - I sure miss that show. It was my favorite from the very first show. Such wonderful silliness. They could have done a whole show on the 9X
Hey Nancy,
The mirror in that hospital bed table was bad enough and I think it was only 3x, I would hate to look at myself in a 9x.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Yeah, I use a lighted 10X mirror all the time. That way I can see without using glasses. And what I see is pretty repulsive, I must admit. They shouldn't be allowed for teenaged girls, because as obsessed as they are with their skin etc., they just might end up catatonic.

Whew - talk about chin hairs!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Makes you pores look huge. I know pores are necessary, but it looks like a road full of potholes, LOL. :D :D

I mainly bought it because on one of my eyelids, there are some tiny eyelashes that grow towards the eye, and they are so annoying, and I can never see where they are to pull them out. Finally now, I see them. Teeny, tiny, little stabby things.
Hey Les

Hey Les

I think you look..groovy...:D :D Love the long hair..:D :D Let it grow out again and put it in a ponytail.. Was that Woodstock?:DBonnie


This entire thread just quacked me up!! Thanks for brightening my day!! hahahahehehehehe.... I ain't lookin in that mirror!

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