Daughter has a female one. she also has two other (different type) dogs. One dog is old, has her own dish. The other two eat from the same bowl. They do not feed goodies from the table. If your dog is healthy there is no reason why he won't eat. If you have any doubts about this, he should be seen by a vet. You also might want to go into the web and find a club whose interest is dogs and I bet you will find a group who can help.
I am a member of About.com and there is a cat column in there. I subscribed and get a newsletter about once a week. The articles speak of foibles, health, fun, etc about cats. They probably have one for dogs.
I have one cat who has golf ball sized rubber balls to play with - about 8. She picks them up, carries them to various spots in the house, all the while yowling at the top of her voice. This was referred to in the site I spoke of in the above paragraph. So I got my answer just by reading and being a member. You might, too.