Hi, reading your remarks, I could not help but recall the terrible anxiety I felt before surgery. You are not alone, there because most of us have felt the same way. I worried about everything. Since I live alone, I worried that I might not be able to even care for myself once I returned home. I worried about many of the same things you mentioned. In fact, not even one of those things happened. I came to after surgery with the vent tube in place but it just wasn't a problem and long before I became fully conscious it was removed. I worried about pain but any that I felt was offset by how much better I felt. I would encourage you to follow Ryan's advice and do things that are possible now. Pick out some comfortable soft clothes you can change into as soon as you can; for me, that was the second day after I left the ICU. I found that taking music on my telephone was a wonderful thing that I used every day in the hospital. I tried to read but the drugs left over from surgery made it impossible to concentrate. Do laundry and set aside things to wear. Get some frozen foods and some canned things for your cupboard that you can easily fix. Perhaps, arrange for a friend to visit when you get home and go walking with you. Any small chore you can do will help give you a sense of taking control.
We have all lived with the risks of surgery but surgery offers the opportunity for a future that we did not have with our failing heart valves. Your experience is likely to be far better than you expect, especially, since your sternum will not be injured. I look forward to hearing from you in a few days. It really will be better than you expect.