Another Cort sighting...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
A group of us got together in Dallas, TX last night to meet up with Cort. Funny how it took Cort coming to town for us to finally meet each other! :D The dinner was delicious, the company was devine, and a good time was had by all. ;) My hubby may have even convinced Cort to change careers! ;) I'll let Cort explain that one...

I was so happy to finally meet some of you in person. Marsha, thanks for making the reservations and finding such a nice place for us to meet. Janet, we need to make sure that we don't wait for Cort to come through again to get together! And Cort, thanks for swinging through and bringing us all to the same spot at one time! :D

Katie was quite the spunky little munchkin. I can't imagine having that much energy with only 83% O2 saturation... I cringe at the thought of what she'd do with 98%! ;)

I've included a picture of all the heart folks at the gathering. This pic doesn't include the hubbys or Trip (Janet's son). The line up is as follows: Marsha(catwoman), Cort (knightsfan), Suzy (from another board), Me (gnusgal), Katie, and Janet (gijanet). Janet has a few more pics that include everyone except her hubby (I don't think he ended up in ANY pics at all). My husband only took this one picture with our camera, so it's all I have.
Wow...I am glad you all had a great time...

Wow...I am glad you all had a great time...

:D :D Hi Niki,
I am really glad that you guys and gals got together and had a really nice time, and I hope that it has lifted your spirits to no end. I know when I met Shine On Syd (Jim H.) that it really did lift mine. I plan on taking some kind of a trip when I get my Social Security, and I would like to meet more of the members one way or another...I feel like I need to take a trip before my Pulmonary Hypertension gets too bad, so I am hoping to go just as soon as I can. I may wait though and go to the next reunion, and thus really meet a bunch of members...Take Care, and again, I am glad that you had a super time!!! Sending you bunches of hugs. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Here's Cort's Driving Instructions...

Here's Cort's Driving Instructions...

I came across some Driving Instructions for Cort and I couldn't resist posting them here for him to follow implicitly...LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

This was a joke picture I made up at this link if anyone wants it..Its Hysterical!!!! Here it is:

You might have to navigate a little, but it's worth it...believe me...Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
What a neat pic. Isn't it fun to meet people from the forum? It makes our communication so much more personal.
Okay, I realized way AFTER I posted that I spelled "sighting" wrong! Arg! Now it's going to drive me crazy, since I have no way of editing that part of my post (it's the teacher in me)... Ross, is there something you can do??? :eek:
Thanks Sherry...

Thanks Sherry...

I couldn't resist doing that one up for Cort, I think (and sincerely hope) that he will get a huge laugh out of it. Hey, If you have nothing else, you might as well have your sense of humor right? LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Harry, I'm sure when he gets home Cort will love it. :) I agree. Laughter is certainly the best medicine, no matter what the ailment (even if it does hurt to laugh when you're recovering, it does aid in recovery! :D ).
Hi Niki,

You can click on the edit button on your first post and change the siting to sighting if you want. ;)
Bryan B said:
Hi Niki,

You can click on the edit button on your first post and change the siting to sighting if you want. ;)

Thanks. It didn't used to let you edit the subject line. Guess I hadn't tried since we got the update... I feel much better now. ;)
Gnusgal said:
I've included a picture of all the heart folks at the gathering. This pic doesn't include the hubbys or Trip (Janet's son). The line up is as follows: Marsha(weekycat), Cort (knightsfan), Suzy (from another board), Me (gnusgal), Katie, and Janet (gijanet). Janet has a few more pics that include everyone except her hubby (I don't think he ended up in ANY pics at all). My husband only took this one picture with our camera, so it's all I have.

Hi Gnusgal! Thanks for posting the picture of y'all when you got together in TX...just one more tiny edit you need to make. You put the username "weekycat" after Marsha, "Catwoman". :D Weekycat is me...I wish I could have been with you guys...but I wasn't there. I'm sure you just got us "cats" mixed up...not a problem, just wanted to clarify.
Great picture!

Oh that Cort!! What a guy!

I just want to remind Cort of his need to get a dog - and he should know what I am talking about (hint chick magnet). :)

Christina L.
Christina L said:
Great picture!

Oh that Cort!! What a guy!

I just want to remind Cort of his need to get a dog - and he should know what I am talking about (hint chick magnet). :)

Christina L.

Cort, Christina is telling you you need a Wing Dog. And get it as a puppy, there is maximum chick attraction with puppies.
Y'all should have been there Saturday night ... to meet Katie. There must be a way to bottle up her energy and share it with everyone in the world!!!

She really enjoyed the fountain we were standing near ... came close to taking a flying leap into the water! :D
You Go Cort!

You Go Cort!


You're a good man with a good heart!

And, drive safely home too!

Oh, but Cort may not need the dog (though, don't get me wrong, I encourage dog ownership) if he goes for the career change. ;) Hubby had him 90% convinced... :D You should have seen the gleam in his eye (Marsha, you had already left by the time they started THAT conversation). The wheels were certainly turning... :cool:

Gee, I've caused quite a stir, haven't I?

He he he

It was a great evening...and I'm so glad I was there!!!


That career change...a nurse...........


So cool to meet others, as I've always said. And, Harry...very very interesting ;).

More later, perhaps :).
Let me know when you get back, need to ask you something ( and hey if you're visiting people from across the country.... :) )