Angry and sad here tonight

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I know, it's been a while, but yes, I have a heart related issue. Not mine, but...My grandmother had her aortic valve replaced in early october. She was let out of the hospital, but.....two days later, she had to go back.....The hospital had been trying for 2 months to figure out what was going on, the whole time, I was suggesting, "Perhaps she has an infection, and needs some strong IV antibiotics?" Well, I am a ways a way from her, she lives in Rochester, MN(yes she is in the care of the Mayo Clinic), and I am in Hawaii, but I have been through a valvereplacement, I have had infections that were resistant to antibiotics, and I sort of know what I am talking about through experience. I think everyone here has been through it, right? Anyways, they said, "no, we are doctors, we know what we are talking about, you don't." Well today they finally figured out what is going on.....she has sepsis(I think that is what it is called). Unfortunately, it is too late, it has spread to her kidneys, liver, lungs and heart, and they have all failed. Tomorrow, they are taking her off the machines and doing what they call, "Comfort Care" on her. I am ANGRY, because my grandmother was FINE before she had this surgery. I guarantee you, this never would have happened at the UWMC! Comfort Care? IF they had done their job to begin with, she would have recovered and been at home! I am sad, because she has always been there for me, and I can't be there to say good bye. I will miss her. Anyways, I had to vent, and talk to someone who gets it.
My sympathies on losing your beloved grandmother. I hope you find peace in your happy memories with her.
This must very very difficult for you, Joy. Know that I am thinking of you and your grandmother and understand your feelings.
Sending you a 'virtual' hug.
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The docs are running on their own time. They are going to do "Comfort Care" whatever that is, and they were supposed to be there like 3 hours ago to meet with my family, but they aren't there yet. Jerks!
When I did a google search this is what comfort care means:

Care given to improve the quality of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease. The goal of comfort care is to prevent or treat as early as possible the symptoms of a disease, side effects caused by treatment of a disease, and psychological, social, and spiritual problems related to a disease or its treatment. Also called palliative care, supportive care, and symptom management.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Definetely a maddening experience to have your opinion discounted by the doctors. You and your grandmother are in my thoughts.
Newbie here, Joy, but I'm angry and sad, too. It's tragic, and we're all sorry for you and your grandmother.

On the "angry" front, I was raised to hear a story like this and yell "Sue the B@$t@rd$!!" And that's exactly how I'm reacting to this avoidable tragedy, too. I have NO IDEA if there's actually a case here (and I'm not a lawyer). But if the Docs rejected or ignored multiple suggestions from an experienced relative urging them to do EXACTLY what the patient needed to recover and survive (and it's not as if IV antibiotics is an exotic or dangerous treatment!), AND her condition is untreatable BECAUSE they rejected or ignored your suggestions, then I'm not sure it's much of a defense that they followed the book. Put another way, if this treatment is NOT actionable (or at least "settle-able" out of court), then There Ought to Be a Law!!

BTW, I'm strongly against the over-use of antibiotics, and the way we're "educating" our bacteria neighbors to resist all our best defenses, but this case seems like a terrible place to start cutting back, while all the cattle are still getting dosed! Angry right with you.

Good luck, and good strength!
Hello Joy,

You have every right to feel anger! This is tragic, and I don't understand just why the dr's did not take steps much earlier on. I certainly feel for you and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hate to mention this at this time, but you might consider a law suit. I know it has been made more difficult, but I really don't believe this would be a frivilous case!

Please take care and know your valve friends are thinking of you.
Norm, is right as the antibiotics fed to our food chain (cattle, poultry etc.) are contributing to the mutated "super bugs" attacking us all the time an this as well as MRSAs are introduced through my case I at one point had over eight different causes attacking me and that the MRSA was in the bone of my sternum...I AM ONE OF THE FEW LUCKY ONES that could be saved by a skilled surgical team and am alive today and here to pray for your grandmother Joy.......during my battlles I did cross over a couple of times and have again a couple of times since and can assure you that the warmth and love I felt was real

God Bless Greg
I know all about super bugs, I had psuedomonas pneumonia when I was in a coma for 10 days. It took them all of a couple of hours to figure out about the psuedomonas, though, and immediately got me on IV antibiotics. Without the dedication of my docs working hard to find out what was going on with me, I would not be here. I think a lot of the problem that Mayo Clinic has had with my grandmother's case is that they went through doctors like they went through socks. At no time did my grandmother get the same doctor. The plan kept on changing, and the docs weren't communicating.

To me, that is just weird though, I have never heard of that. I have always had the same doctors, and the plans don't change with me. The one time that a doc refused to get ahold of my cardiologist, he got into a LOT of trouble, and was basically groveling at my feet. I think the Mayo Clinic should be groveling at my grandmother's feet. The problem is, my family doesn't want to go through the whole medmal/ wrongful death lawsuit. I know if it were up to me, I would, because without it, the Mayo Clinic is never going to change their attitude, and it will continue to happen to people. My friend's grandmother had the same exact thing happen to her. I am so glad that I have an option not to go there.
Joy, I am truly very sorry for what you are going through with your grandmother. It's obvious her illness is understandably devastating to you.

However, having had my last surgery at the Mayo clinic as well as other cardiac procedures and having every intention of having my next surgery there as well when it is needed, I feel I have to speak of my experiences there because we have had many members here go to the Mayo clinic in the past (and a couple of others who are going for surgery soon) and I have never once seen anyone post anything at all even slightly resembling what you are posting about the Mayo Clinic. I have never been passed from Dr. to Dr., I have always been followed by my same set of Dr's every time I've ever been there, my same cardio, my same surgeon, and the same EP's. My cardio comes to see me in the hospital when she gets off work in the clinic, even though she has not been on hospital service. I recently posted an e-mail that I sent to my surgeon about a wire in my chest and he personally answered me on a weekend night. Any and every time I have ever e-mailed or called anyone one of my Dr's there with a question, no matter how trivial, I get a return answer, the same day, always from the Dr. themselves. I have found the nursing staff there to be excellent and caring. I had one nurse by my side the whole time I was in ICU and when I moved to the floor, I shared my nurse with only 1 other patient. I don't know of any other place that has those kinds of numbers.

Obviously, none of us on here have ANY knowledge of what happened with your grandmother. Tragedies do happen, even in the best facilities. I think unless you get her complete set of medical records and read through them all, you really won't have the complete picture of all the tests they have ordered and run on your grandmother. Maybe it will help answer some questions for you to do that and help your family decide whether there really is a malpractice suit here that needs to be pursued.

Again, I'm so very sorry.
My grandmother passed away at like 4AM yesterday. I hate the Mayo Clinic. It isn't just the care(or lack there of) that they gave her, they neglected me and that is the reason I have rhd. I will never go there again. I was told by my family that my grandmother's doctor's changed hourly, they weren't able to get their plans together, because they never communicated. When I was at the UWMC I had the BEST nurses, the BEST doctors, and did I mention that my doctor's did NOT EVER CHANGE? I have to say one thing, this has happened too often at that place. People have come out of the woodwork to tell me of their experiences there. My father in law had NO medical license, no degree, and he was a surgical assistant, and he was actually DOING brain/heart surgeries at the clinic. Wow.......great facility!