Anne thank you ! when they agreed to leave me for a couple more weeks l didn't ask to many more questions. I am sure if need be they will refer me to a anti coagulation expert. I don't know about you but where l'm from heparin is crazy expensive upwards of $900 ish a month. That's a lot more than the price of warfrin. What else is there besides a couple of generic brand names either way.
I am just ok to be left alone right now .. l think l've come to terms with the situation well atleast for now that's easy enough to say as long as l am stable and at home. I just have to take it one day at a time the same way l live my life. I did ask why they can't leave me on innoheprin but cost is a no Brainer. I left it at that for now at least.
Yes l will keep you posted and thank you for caring Xx Paliogirl