From Andrew's carepage . . .
Sorry I am a little late posting. There is not much new. His CRRT seems to be functioning just fine and he is still stable. We have taken him off the paralegitic (however you spell that- but you know I have spelling issues. LOL!!)
He still is not moving anything though I thought I saw some tongue movement earlier. It can take hours and even days to wear off. He was relly just starting to be able to move his legs right before surgery from the last time he was on the verconium. (did I get that right?)
His heart function is getting better and we are just watching and waiting on those kidneys. The kidney doc shared that he has seen it take as long as three months before they come back, so really we won't know unless they start on their own in earnest before that. His Crrt is removing an extra 100 ml of fluid an hour and everything is going well with that.
I think PT or OT will start working with him pretty soon since he has been laying around so long. Don't know if they will be by today or tomorrow or what.
Not much else to report. His eyes are healing fine. Rash is like yesterday.
Randy and I got out for a little bit yesterday and went to Target and Kohls for a couple things. It felt weird to be shopping but it was nice too.
The Ronald McDonald House has been so nice and it has been very restful for me and Randy to have someplace to retreat to.
We are continuing to count our blessings and are grateful for the many provisions provided us. Continuing to bring Andrew before the Lord, asking for his continual blessings and sustainance.