An update on mom. . . (longish)

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Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
I haven't been on the board much lately, as my mom has had a major situation brewing. In July she was diagnosed with a tumor on her kidney, although there were no symptoms. Since then we've been doing all the tests and doctor conferences to prepare for surgery. Well, around Labor Day she started developing some pain, minor at first, then increasing until she could barely walk or sit comfortably. This is definitely NOT normal for her -- she's 81, has a pacemaker, CHF, and still refuses to let it get her down. This was not normal.

On Thursday I met with her internist. They reported that her white cell count was too high to perform the surgery just now, and wanted to have her go home until the "infection" subsided, then plan surgery. I abided by this for a day, then on Saturday I called the surgeon and convinced him to admit her to the hospital through the ER on Saturday afternoon. She was fading fast, and I was afraid we could lose her over this.

Once they got her into the hospital, they concluded that she was severely anemic, and that the high white cell count was the result of the tumor, which had consumed her entire right kidney. Immediately they started IV antibiotics, in prep for surgery ASAP.

Surgery was yesterday morning. she went into the OR at about 10:30 AM, and the surgeon came out to meet with me at around 4:30. He was really beat, and apologized for seeming so dragged out, that mom is doing fine. He had warned me that the operation would be a long one when he saw the size of the tumor.

So far all is as well as can be expected -- mom is out of surgery and in the SICU, still on a vent. She was lucid enough right after surgery to want to know if it went well, and that I had made all the phone calls she asked me to. She was also happy that the Cubs had won their game. This AM the charge nurse reported that her heart rate has gone back into range (outran the pacer yesterday) and that vital signs are stable and strong, so we have a lot to be thankful for. Hopefully by the time I get there this afternoon she will be able to be off the vent and rest better.

At this point, life isn't great yet, but it gives all indications that it will again be good soon. I will keep you posted, and sincerely want to thank all of my family here at for their prayers and words of encouragement.
Gosh, that is scary stuff!! :eek: I am so glad to hear that your mom made it through surgery okay - we'll keep praying for her. Good for you for keeping on the docs and insisting that she get the care that she needed. . . keep us posted.

Thanks Steve for the update. You must be exhausted. It is so much easier to go through something yourself than watch someone you love have to do it. We will keep you in our prayers.Give mom a hug.
Hi Steve-

It sounds as if things are on their way to settling down. I think you can tell a great deal by how the body responds, and it sounds as if her vitals are going in the right direction, so having the surgery was what was needed.

God Bless, Steve, and my prayers will include your mom.
Your definately in my prayers as well as your mother. Keep us posted and take care of yourself too.
You have my full attention! Bet you she looks and feels 100% better! The color in Tracy's face after that surgery was that of a man that just went on a long peaceful vacation. I could not beleive it! His nurse told me that your body will function better on one kidney that's healthy.

So thrilled she made it though with flying colors Steve. Where did she have the surgery? Did pathology come back? Did they feel it was fully contained?

if you would like to chat.....drop me a PM and I will zip my numbers off to you.

Wishing Mom a speedy recovery!
Take good care.
stay in touch

stay in touch

No wonder we haven?t seen much of you. :eek:

Best wishes to your Mom... she sounds like a real fighter.

Take care.
Steve - as an older mom, I want to say thank you for being such a good son. It is wonderful to have children who care so much. Your mother is a lucky lady - me, too. Give her a hug for me and my prayers for you all.


Glad to hear that your mom is doing fine. I think that Betty hit the nail right on the head when she said that it is easier to go through something yourself than to watch someone you love have to do it. It was very difficult for me to watch my husband and children ache for me when I was ill. That was more painful for me than the physical pain that I endured.

I hope that all goes well for her as we will keep her in our thoughts.



hi steve!
i am so glad to hear that your mom did well in the surgery and that it is behind her.
sounds like she will start healing now and hopefully getting better and stronger with each new day.
please know that she and you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
please keep us abreast of her progress.
be well, sylvia

It is a proven fact that people who come out of surgery asking about the Cubs get a little more divine providence than say, oh, a White Sox fan. Will spend an extra few minutes in prayer tonight asking that your mom be healthy to watch the Cubibes in the World Series.

I am glad surgery went well. I am sure she will be better in no time, but I will keep your family in my prayers and thoughts until you let us know she is home and rooting for the Cubs.

Take care of yourself also.
Thanks for the update on your mom, Steve. I will continue to lift her up on my prayers!:) Now, get yourself some rest and take care....your mom is in good hands!


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