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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Really understand the word 'amusement' now. Might sound strange.

When we have something simple as riding a roller coaster taken away..... it really hits home.

Enjoyed a great day with my family and freinds at Six Flags. Threw all caution to the wind and rode what I felt comfortable. Did include the American Eagle, which is one of their great old wooden coasters. And another one that was smaller, but did whip me around a bit more. It was our daughter's first experiance of such. I felt robbed at the thought of not being able to share that. She did ask me if it was ok if I went. That was so very sweet. Told her it was ok just this once. The time we spent together was priceless. What some may take for grated, I truly apprecaite!

Just wanted to share with you all. Don't think I will be sharing with the doctor though.;)
Way to go, Gina!

Way to go, Gina!

Sounds like you had a good time at Great America. I think the American Eagle is about the only one I would attempt also. G-forces on those other rides can do a number on you.

Does your daughter get into Halloween? Great America's Fright Fest in October is a guaranteed great time. If you do nothing other than ride the train around the park, it will make your day.

Our company is buying free tickets (only one per family!) for a Great America outing next weekend, but I'm opting for a roller coaster ride on a golf cart instead.

Hi Perry

Riding in a golf cart can be fun as well! Have a nice time on your outing.

Yes, we were talking about going back for fright fest at Great America. I do agree about the G's on the other rides. Even if I were not on a blood thinner.....don't think I would attempt them. Not that bold. For the real bold at 'heart' no pun intended. Did you happened to see the triple bungie sling? Whew, that looked scary! Just tested my INR and it was 3.1. on the lower end of my range, but probably better for the activity I endoured yesterday. We walked around for 10 hours.

Email me and we can discuess our get togther. We may be looking at sometime in Sept. If it's too chilly.... we will obviously do an indoor dinner. Man , not looking forward to my first 'real winter' in 4 years!:eek:
Hi Gina,

I was wondering if it would be safe for us to go on the Roller Coaster Rides! I really like The American Eagle. I might try that again if I get back to Great America. I don't know if I would want to attempt the other rides as I do remember them being bumpier and thrashing me around. It sounds like you had a great time and just threw caution to the wind, just this one time. :) I don't blame you a bit. Being able to take your daughter and sharing the experience with her on the roller coaster was great for both of you. Like you said, we took so much for granted and now we need to question ourselves when we want to do something that we never gave a thought about before surgery. I always likd the water rides too, but I remember landing so hard on my tush when we hit the water. I'd be afraid if I did that now, I would have one big bruise back there!:D Talk soon Gina. Take care!