Am I wrong about pre-existing condition?

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Austin, Texas
Even if our hearts are "fixed" after's still a pre-existing condition with the insurance companies if my husband loses his job for some reason and we lose our insurance?? Also, my PCP put dilated cardiomyopathy on my diagnosis that my cardiologist doesn't agree with. How can I get this off my record? Go back to the PCP and tell her to take it off my record then call the insurance people and argue my point?

Just arguing a point that some of Obamacare is going to save my ass in case of problems that might occur....

Laura Sandefur
A repaired heart valve will be considered a pre-existing condition.

As to removing a diagnosis with which you have disagreement, that, of course, requires conversation with all your doctors.
It's a pre-existing condition, even after being fixed.
I dunno how to get an incorrect diagnosis removed from the record. Probably have your PCP correct it, and write a letter to your insurance company. You write the letter, make the Dr sign it. Then contact your insurance company to see how to get that corrected. I know it can be done.
Just arguing a point that some of Obamacare is going to save my ass in case of problems that might occur....
Laura Sandefur

This was poblem (pre-existing condition) that, unfortunately, I fought my entire working life. I couln't beat 'em, so I joined 'em, and became a health insurance rep. Hopefully, in 2014, insurance companies will not e able to exclude folks, like us, from medical coverage.....keep you fingers crossed. It ain't over yet.
Well, it SEEMs to be over. It SEEMs the ACA will stand. We'll see, and we'll see how it goes as it is implemented. Seriously, a 1% penalty tax per year for not carrying insurance, is what, $500 on a $50,000 income? With insurance on a high deductible plan costing $600 per month? Most people will chose a $500 annual tax over a $7200 annual premium.
There is NO WAY in HE11 that Big Government, Forced healthcare laws will improve anything. Somebody is going to PAY and Pay dearly (guess who) Now our Healthcare is a political football. I suggest getting surgery before the Big Gov laws take full effect.

Sorry for the rant but Socialized medicine is another boondoggle for sure.
Well, it SEEMs to be over. It SEEMs the ACA will stand. We'll see, and we'll see how it goes as it is implemented. Seriously, a 1% penalty tax per year for not carrying insurance, is what, $500 on a $50,000 income? With insurance on a high deductible plan costing $600 per month? Most people will chose a $500 annual tax over a $7200 annual premium.

Your arithmetic makes sense but opting for a $500 annual tax over the annual premium leaves the person uninsured.

Given the state of the economy and the difficulty new college graduates are having getting jobs, most of those earning $50,000 are not in the very young age/healthy group. The 'young folks' will remain uninsured and hope for no accident/illness and most will slip by safely. Of course, some will be hit with huge bill but in the end, taxpayer will probably pay for it if the patient is indigent from not having a job despite their college degree.

Most over 35 year olds recognize the need for medical coverage. They won't be able to afford those high premium policies and will end up in the 'exchanges' which seems to be the goal if I understand anything at all about the law.

JMO ....
There is NO WAY in HE11 that Big Government, Forced healthcare laws will improve anything. Somebody is going to PAY and Pay dearly (guess who) Now our Healthcare is a political football. I suggest getting surgery before the Big Gov laws take full effect.

Sorry for the rant but Socialized medicine is another boondoggle for sure.

We discussed this topic a year, or two, ago and it ended in a big fight. We all have very personal and strong feelings on this topic, so here are mine. I fought the "pre-existing condition" problem all of my working life and it is no fun having to manage a life based on availability of medical insurance. I've been on Medicare(socialized medicine??) for 11+ years and consider it the very best healthcare at the most effecient cost I have ever had. I was a licensed agent and consultant in private health care insurance for almost 25 years and quit the business about 16 years ago because it had gotten so screwed up. I have read many posts by our worldwide community and am amazed at how well their programs work at a fraction of the costs here in the USA. Very little, if any, of this health care legislation will impact me....and I think after the general population, and especially those like us, who have speicial problems, understands all of the "positives", there will be fewer opponents....although there will always be those who listen to Limbaugh.
Once you are diagnosed with any disease, heart, diabeteds, asthma, it is considered pre-existing and it is harder to get medical coverage with pre-extisting condition. With the Supreme Court judgement, they say it is constitutional to charge a health tax for coverage. But intact is the coverage for pre-existing condition, which now they are not supposed to deny coverage. Now on what your PCP docgtor did is wrong, should have the correct diagnosis in your medical recordds no matter what. The condtion will not go away with a swipe of the pen. Something wrong with the picture of you PCP putting down something different. Of course, the Universal covarage it is not active completely till 2014. But you need to have a talk with your PCP. Something fishy here when a doctor coverup a diagnosis of another. Good Luck in keeping up with the Cardio. Sounds like you are in good cardio hands. Hungs for today.
There is NO WAY in HE11 that Big Government, Forced healthcare laws will improve anything. Somebody is going to PAY and Pay dearly (guess who) Now our Healthcare is a political football. I suggest getting surgery before the Big Gov laws take full effect.

Sorry for the rant but Socialized medicine is another boondoggle for sure.

Lucky for you then, you have Obamacare. It's hardly 'socialized medicine'. It is not a government run, single payer national health system, but a set of rules which is designed to ensure that everyone gets insured. Many of the 'Big Gov' laws already took effect. For some time now, it's been prohibited to preclude children from coverage based on a pre-existing condition. As well, college age kids have had their coverage under family plans extended. What comes next is a complex system of regulations, rules, subsidies and encouragements which will attempt to achieve 'universal coverage' in a hybrid system with a strong private bias.

As a citizen of a country with something closer to 'socialized' medicine (though still a public/private hybrid system) I can tell you, it is nothing to fear. We have great healthcare in Canada. The care which led to my surgery, the surgery itself and the follow up since have all been first class.

As to who pays, and pays dearly, if you're a taxpayer, your paying it now. A lack of coverage for 30 million Americans has meant that they tended to show up at hospitals in acute distress. Every study every published indicates that waiting until an illness becomes critical is the very most expensive way to deal with it. In those cases, it was always the taxpayer taking the hit since the uninsured could never have paid those bills.

Congrats on your own successful surgery.

Lucky for you then, you have Obamacare. It's hardly 'socialized medicine'. It is not a government run, single payer national health system, but a set of rules which is designed to ensure that everyone gets insured. Many of the 'Big Gov' laws already took effect. For some time now, it's been prohibited to preclude children from coverage based on a pre-existing condition. As well, college age kids have had their coverage under family plans extended. What comes next is a complex system of regulations, rules, subsidies and encouragements which will attempt to achieve 'universal coverage' in a hybrid system with a strong private bias.

As a citizen of a country with something closer to 'socialized' medicine (though still a public/private hybrid system) I can tell you, it is nothing to fear. We have great healthcare in Canada. The care which led to my surgery, the surgery itself and the follow up since have all been first class.

As to who pays, and pays dearly, if you're a taxpayer, your paying it now. A lack of coverage for 30 million Americans has meant that they tended to show up at hospitals in acute distress. Every study every published indicates that waiting until an illness becomes critical is the very most expensive way to deal with it. In those cases, it was always the taxpayer taking the hit since the uninsured could never have paid those bills.

Congrats on your own successful surgery.


Please, that lack of healthcare for '30 million' is a propaganda tool used by the Big Government political party (Democrats). Most of those millions choose not to buy insurance.

We in the USA, for the most part, value our heritage of freedom and liberty with Constitutional protection from Big Government control over our lives (Revolutionary War). WE DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE CANADA or any other country's idea of Socialized medicine. WE are unique in our love of personal freedom. Our present system of massive Welfare programs, massive Medicaid fraud, massive Government regulation of the insurance and banking industry and governent waste of my tax money and a myriad of huge deficit spending programs to buy votes from the poor and entitlement minded....whew. And I am to believe that this MASSIVE "set of rules" as you call it is not a big deal? We are $15 TRILLION in debt because of Big long will this irresponsible fiscal bubble last?

The 2,500+ page Obamacare Law is a HUGE Government takeover (over a period of years) of our proud healthcare system. Now that the Democrats have completely politicized our healthcare industry (over a period of decades with massive government regulation of the insurance industry) now with the Obamacare legislation it our duty as freedom-loving Americans to fight it tooth and nail, every year, every election ad finitum. Our healthcare industry is now a complete political football to be bounced around every election cycle, this is not a good thing.

No sir, I am not 'lucky' to bend over and take it from Obamacare. I am actively fighting Big Government every day.

I am 'lucky' in one respect, my surgery happened before Big Government Obamacare bureaucrat hacks could get between me and my doctors.

Tom, you certainly have strong feelings. You are less than two years from qualifying for Medicare at a cost under $100/mo., but given your strong opposition to "socialized medicine", I assume you will not participate in that program and will stay on your wifes plan as a dependent.......or maybe you are a veteran and can access VA insurance(another example of "socialized medicine").......or maybe you are one of the "lucky" few who has a "golden parachute" program thru your former employer.
Tom, you certainly have strong feelings. You are less than two years from qualifying for Medicare at a cost under $100/mo., but given your strong opposition to "socialized medicine", I assume you will not participate in that program and will stay on your wifes plan as a dependent.......or maybe you are a veteran and can access VA insurance(another example of "socialized medicine").......or maybe you are one of the "lucky" few who has a "golden parachute" program thru your former employer.

Yes I have strong feelings; it is unfortunate that our Government is so HUGE that it affects almost every aspect of our daily lives.

I fully expected Big Government Democrats on this Forum to ridicule me personally for my views. Gee, you mention Medicare, why do we need yet another layer of MASSIVE government control and deficite spending over our healthcare if Medicare is such a great system? We do have many good Government controlled healthcare and assistance programs as you have mentioned, Obamacare will make it worse, especially with its massive tax increases. January, 2013 begins a massive increase in Federal taxes on Medical Equipment per the Obamacare 'rules'. Tell me how raising taxes on all new medical equipment will cut our healthcare insurance costs, increase healtcare availability, preserve our healthcare quality and preserve healthcare equipment manufacturing jobs. You don't have to answer.

My personal life is not the issue but for you to claim that people, like me, who prepare for the future by investing their own earned wages and salaries for four decades in Wall Street are the "lucky few" is typical of the Democrat party propaganda line to denigrate the 'lucky' so more people will vote for Democrats who will take money form the 'lucky' and give it to Democrat voters for free. I'm not rich nor am I "lucky", just secure....for now.

......Tell me how raising taxes on all new medical equipment will cut our healthcare insurance costs, increase healtcare availability, preserve our healthcare quality and preserve healthcare equipment manufacturing jobs. You don't have to answer.

My personal life is not the issue but for you to claim that people, like me, who prepare for the future by investing their own earned wages and salaries for four decades in Wall Street are the "lucky few" is typical of the Democrat party propaganda line to denigrate the 'lucky' so more people will vote for Democrats who will take money form the 'lucky' and give it to Democrat voters for free. I'm not rich nor am I "lucky", just secure....for now.


I would like to answer. What does that have to do with my question? Are you now on VA insurance and do you intend to waive OUT of Medicare when you become eligible at age 65?

Like you, I was taught and have practiced "paying myself first" and have also invested in stocks and bonds for well over four decades. If you are like me, you also lost a great deal of money due to the follies of the previous administration...two unfunded wars, a banking/mortgage system that was allowed to "gamble" with my hard earned monies, an almost total collapse of the American economy, etc.......that is how we really got to a $15 Trillion debt. For the record, a Democrat President left a budget surplus for Chenney-Bush....which they promply wiped out.

My question to you remains.....Are you going to enroll in Medicare when you turn 65??
I would like to answer. What does that have to do with my question? Are you now on VA insurance and do you intend to waive OUT of Medicare when you become eligible at age 65?

Like you, I was taught and have practiced "paying myself first" and have also invested in stocks and bonds for well over four decades. If you are like me, you also lost a great deal of money due to the follies of the previous administration...two unfunded wars, a banking/mortgage system that was allowed to "gamble" with my hard earned monies, an almost total collapse of the American economy, etc.......that is how we really got to a $15 Trillion debt. For the record, a Democrat President left a budget surplus for Chenney-Bush....which they promply wiped out.

My question to you remains.....Are you going to enroll in Medicare when you turn 65??

I knew it was coming, it was only a matter of time, all Democrats resort to the ‘It’s Bush’s fault’ excuse for the utter failure of Big Government deficit spending ‘Stimulus’ legislation which failed to stop the economic chaos of the Obama Recession.

You say YOU allowed some bank to "gamble" with your alleged "hard earned money"? mmmm....I guess you weren't 'lucky' again. You are one unlucky guy! Are you deficit spending like the Obama Administration has been doing for three plus years to the tune of $5 Trillion?:eek2:

“today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.”------President Obama, February 23, 2009.

If you really were invested in Wall Street during the economic boom times of the Bush Administration then you would have greatly increased your portfolio value as I have. Can’t go wrong with eight years of 5% unemployment and low gas prices. I suspect you had bad investment advice or you're just unlucky! NOT invest in Obama Administration funded Solar Panel manufacturing. :thumbup: Thousands of lucky Liberals lost their shirts...oops...they were unlucky.

Commander in Chief Obama’s three wars…at last count…are also ‘unfunded’ (whatever that means???).

Obviously I will not give you my personal information. Democrats use personal information to attack their political oppenents when they are on the ropes intellectually. Sorry.


If you really were invested in Wall Street during the economic boom times of the Bush Administration then you would have greatly increased your portfolio value as I have. Tom

Me thinks youse thinks I am untruthful LOL. Tell me exactly when the Chenney-Bush "boom times" where. Like most folks, I had a lot less Net Worth at the end of their administration than I had at the beginning.

I enjoy a good verbal "fight"....afterall, I sold Health Insurance for a long, long time and love the put 'n take of a sales call and overcoming objections. However, I know where this is going, because I "been there and done that" before. That's why we still have a "one man - one vote" least until the Koche Brothers buy it.

My question still stands.....Are you going to enroll in Medicare when you turn 65?.... and while we are at it, did you take your Social Security benefit at 62 or are you waiting? I took mine at 62 because I wasn't sure I'd live to 65 'bout you?
Me thinks youse thinks I am untruthful LOL. Tell me exactly when the Chenney-Bush "boom times" where. Like most folks, I had a lot less Net Worth at the end of their administration than I had at the beginning.

I enjoy a good verbal "fight"....afterall, I sold Health Insurance for a long, long time and love the put 'n take of a sales call and overcoming objections. However, I know where this is going, because I "been there and done that" before. That's why we still have a "one man - one vote" least until the Koche Brothers buy it.

My question still stands.....Are you going to enroll in Medicare when you turn 65?.... and while we are at it, did you take your Social Security benefit at 62 or are you waiting? I took mine at 62 because I wasn't sure I'd live to 65 'bout you?

I realize that you cannot defend this Obama Socialist Administration by showing successes so you must try to trap me into wasting space to refute your attempts to re-write history to make up for an incompetent President Obama.

Don’t you remember that in the wake of a recession that began roughly seven weeks after President Bush took office, America experienced six years of uninterrupted economic growth and a record 52 straight months of job creation that produced more than 8 million new jobs. During the Bush presidency, the unemployment rate averaged 5.3 percent. We saw labor-productivity gains that averaged 2.5 percent annually — a rate that exceeds the averages of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Real after-tax income per capita increased by more than 11 percent. Thank God for the Bush tax cuts! And from 2000 to 2007, real GDP grew by more than 17 percent, a gain of nearly $2.1 trillion. I rode this train and enjoyed every minute of it. The middle class boomed even after 9/11! Most of us ‘lucky’ investors did quite well. Then the Soros/Obama train wreck blew up the economy in 2009 by driving our country into unsustainable DEBT with deficit spending, extremely high ObamaGas prices and almost four straight years of massive unemployment and unparalleled poverty.

Multi-Billionaire George Soros (make the Koche brothers look like paupers) and his Wall Street CEO pals purchased the Democrat Party and Barack Obama to help move our country into a Socialist Monarchy. And the Supreme Court solidified that Monarchy by giving carte blanche to his royal highness to tax the populace, without a vote (like Obamacare) for ANY political purpose whatsoever.

Gee, I wonder why the Democrats and Soros/Obama always fight EVERY attempt at tort reform legislation submitted by the Republicans in Congress over the past 15 years. Is it because Democrats like lawyer and presidential candidate John Roberts ‘earned’ hundreds of millions dollars suing doctors and other healthcare providers for decades? Gee, will tort reform lower healthcare insurance costs for everybody? mmmmmm.

I am truly surprised, and glad, that you haven’t played the race card as yet since Democrats always sink to that level fairly soon after realizing that President Obama’s economic policies have completely failed.

God help us all….at least until November when we can end this disastrous Socialist Administration and revive our Healthcare system for all citizens.

By the way, have you noticed that I have not demanded from you personal financial information so I can ridicule you personally? Please do me the same courtesy and stay on the topic of the Big Government, socialized healthcare boondoggle that has been temporarily forced upon us.

Vote for Obama again and maybe this time you will get 'lucky'..:biggrin2:

I have moved this thread to Small Talk as it really had nothing to do with the HeartTalk thread it was in. Lets leave Political discussions to political forums please.