Almost new grandma

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bvdr Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
Well, my expected grandchild has not yet arrived. If nothing happens tonight then my daughter-in-law will have labor induced tomorrow evening. We don't know if it is a girl or boy yet so we will be surprised. This is the child that my daughter-in-law and son say is the result of so many people's prayers.

You see, years ago my d/i/l had an infected cyst that caused appendicitis. Her appendix was removed but the infection smoldered. After many months and continual pain she was opened up again. At this point a tube was removed from one side and the ovary from the other side couldn't be saved either. Organs were adhered to each other and were painstakingly separated. Her uterus was cleaned out and was left in place.

Those of you who have gone through the infertility wilderness know how exhausting it can be.......both physically, emotionally, and financially. They were in this wilderness for a long long time. It took it's toll on them and when their final IVF was unsuccessful and my heart surgery was imminent, they decided to rest a spell and re-evaluate at a later time.

The four of us went to Cancun for a week just prior to my surgery so we could all decompress. Less than two weeks after we returned home I was on the bypass machine and Heather was having a pregnancy test confirmed in the laboratory at Duke (along with several other tests since she was very high risk for a tubal pregnancy)

Jon is 36 and Heather is 34. This is a very emotional event for our family. I will let you all know how things go. We are expecting to be rejoicing very very soon!
Hi Betty,
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure you are so excited. Look forward to seeing pictures from the Proud Grandparents.
Take Care
Congratulations Betty on the pending arrival of your new grandbaby!

God has a reason for bringing this little one into the world obviously. He/she is truly a miracle in many ways.

Yes, post some pics of the new baby!

Christina L.
Are we having a Baby Poll on this?

Thanks for sharing your joy Betty! I'll pray that labor goes quickly!!!! Is this your first grandbaby?
Thanks everyone. Karlynn, our youngest son and his wife have a little boy who will be four the end of next month. He lives 7 minutes away from us and he is a wonderful part of our lives. Our granddaughter(if Ross is correct ;) )will be a couple hours away so our visits may be further apart but longer.

It feels like Christmas.......I can't wait until tomorrow.
If you have a grandson, then you know how wonderful grandchildren are. I only have one, but I'm guessing that the addition of another new one just multiplies the amount of love you have in your heart.
My 45 year old sister had a baby girl born April 16, so I know full well your excitement and nervousness as you await "her" arrival.
Congratulations in advance,
Hi Betty!

Sending happy wishes your way. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Everything will be ok :)

Hope all is well with yourself :)
That's some belated Mother's Day present! We'll be waiting to hear your new grandbaby's name.
Hi Betty

Hi Betty

Yes, I know the heartbreak of infertility .too well...My daugher has tried for years to have a baby...all meds, IVF..Money..told she was going to have a baby to be told days later. NO, we are sorry...Heart break.. :mad: :mad: NOW, we are going to have them... :D :D YES..them..all paperwork has been cleared thru an adoption.......They will learn soon :) :) :) 1 baby (age 6 month old..and 1 age 3 year old... :D :D :D From Russia :) :) We will know soon........Girl, boy..Boy..girl... :confused: :confused: It is like my daughter says..whatever GOD wants us to have,,, :) :) :) :) Should know in next 3 months..... :) :) :) Then, they go..see their children..come home and go back in next few weeks and bring them home to AMERICA ......Over 50,000 chilren in Russia that need to be adopted ..and we will get 2.. :) :)Spent the weekend thinking of names, ect. Russian tapes, ect. excited for you.....Bonnie
Betty, how exciting! Congratulations on your new, almost here grandbaby. They are so much fun. My last grandson (#12 grandchild) was born last year a day before my birthday. What a neat birthday present! I've always said it's too bad that you can't have your grandchildren first. :) :) It seems like by the time grandchildren come along, we as grandparents are so much more relaxed with them than we were with our children.

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Wow, we are going to be grandparents. I am so excited. And Betty, y'all have been specially touched to have such a miracle. Maybe God's way of giving you the brass ring for having to go through heart surgery. God be with all of you. we're waitin to hear if we have a boy or girl. Whatever it is, we will be happy with her/him. :eek: :rolleyes:
Congratulations! As soon as you hear, pass it on. We do enough worryin' over each other that it's especially fun when the celeration stuff comes along.
Well, Betty, I'll bet you got a lot of sleep last night, eh? :D

All my fingers and toes crossed for a smooth delivery and that mother and child are well.

Let us know (like you wouldn't, LOL).

hi betty!
how wonderful!!!! we can't wait to hear how heather and baby are doing. hope all goes relatively easily for her.
wishing you and your family all the best and lots of love. can't wait to hear about it.
be well, sylvia


Good luck to you and your family. Grandkids are great. We have 6 and they are just amazing. All like to come to Grandma's house and stay. I can't do the 3 6 yrs.old and 4 yrs. old together. They wear me out. My nephew and his wife just went through all the in vitro thing and with no success. They are adopting a baby from Guatemala this year. I am so happy for them. I guess Wed. they will know if it is a girl or boy. It has to be 3 mos. old before they are allowed to take it out of the country. Maybe down the road they will try again.

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