Almost a year post op & still sad

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Mary, as the others have said - you've had an awful lot to deal with - no wonder you're suffering.

My daughter recently underwent a very high risk pregnancy which, thank God, had a terrific outcome. Her twins daughers were born quite early and spent 68 & 74 days in the NICU. Needless to say, her (and her husband's) stress levels were extremely high. Some of the reading I did and people I talked with suggested that she was probably experiencing post partum depression to some degree, but the more likely culprit was post traumatic stress disorder. Barring any physical reasons for your still feeling sick, which of course you need to check out, you obviously know you need to see someone to work with your mental health. You might want to check out PTSD - it's not just for soldiers anymore.

Hope you find relief soon - you deserve to enjoy life to its fullest.:)
Depression after OHS

Depression after OHS

It is so common! I never knew that till after I had it and could not throw the fact I felt a feeling of doom! Fear, is our worst enemy! My doctor told me to go see a psychiatrist to help me. I did and it has helped! Our brains and body have taken a beating! and a mountain has been dropped in our path of live. We have to choose to learn to go around it or go over it are just give up! I am not giving up been through to much for that! We are here for a reason! At least get you some meds to sleep. Depression from OHS is worst in woman than men. It has almost been two years and I have been seeing one for at least 18 months now. Never had a problem before OHS! You seem to have a overload of mental stress on you, small children and such. Take a break, and you have to learn to take time for yourself, so your daughter will have her mama. Learn to say no and go see a doctor it sure would not hurt anything! We have a right to feel like we do! We have earned it look at our battle wounds!! Take Care God Bless!:p
Thank you all!!!

Thank you all!!!

I want everyone to know that your words have been soooooo encouraging!! I even went to my primary care doc today....instead of putting it off again. You all are right to take the first step and get the physical stuff out of the way and I'm glad I did. The doctor wants me to get a new panel of bloodwork done tomorrow and reschedule with the cardiologist to do another echo. I've got quite a bit of swelling that we can't explain so he wants to rule a bunch of stuff out.
Thank you all for helping me make the decision to be proactive and positive!

I will keep you all posted & God Bless, Mary
Mary, way to go making the appointment and having a straight talk with your PCP. It's feels great to eliminate some possibilities. Hang in there. We are all praying for/with you.

Good for you ! I lay around watching reruns on late-night TV for two years before a friend had a "talk" with me one day, so I know how much courage it took to go to the doctor. I am also very happy that he/she is taking this seriously.

I suggested the B12, Thyroid and all that 'cos it happened to a friend of mine. Serious post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), delusions, bi-polar, eating disorder and a whole host of other stuff. She was on a bunch of pretty potent meds, and was not doing at all well - no energy amongst her complaints. Checked herself into a residential psychiatric facility and the fist thing they did (after taking her off half her meds) was a complete physical. Found out that she was low on a whole bunch of stuff, including magnesium, iron, B12 and calcium. Once they got that straightened out, she was well on her way to being a whole bunch better, but you can't treat medical conditions with psychiatric medications.

Hoping you get some relief soon. Try and take some time for yourself, even if it's only 10 minutes in a bath, or 30 minutes for a walk - or go to bed with your other half as soon as the kids are down. DH and I sometimes make a "date" to meet in the bedroom, even though we have no kids, just to snuggle, be quiet, or get something off one of our chests!
Hi Mary,

I had OHS February 2008 for a mitral valve replacement and was back at work 3 months later trying to keep up with the daily expenses. It's really tough!

My Heart condition rapidly declined after the birth of my son. At the time of surgery, I had a 6 month old son. I was a wreck and I barely functioned trying to look after a new born and dealing with a serious medical condition. After the birth the maternal health nurse put it down to post natal depression. I kept saying, 'I'm not depressed, just very ill and there is a difference!'

I feel acknowledging that you are suffering from a prolong illness is very important and telling yourself, 'that's why my life is a bit chaotic'. I find it's the ongoing worry which is the reason why I stress. But when you think about it, beating yourself up about something which is out of your control is pointless.

It's been 9 months since my surgery and unfortunately my heart remains enlarged and I still have serious medical concerns. I don't know what my future holds, but I just take one day at a time. If I have a bad day, I tell myself tomorrow is going to be better. What's the point about thinking about details. But writing your feelings down or talking about things is good because it helps to get rid of unwanted tension and stress. Thanks for the post because you helped me write a few things down too!!!

Welcome Mary...its no wonder you feel like had so much more going on than most of us. Do keep feel free to come whinge to us as often as you want. Its often doing that whinging that helps us get over this sort of stuff. You have had a triple whammy with the new baby, heart op. and a hysterectomy all being huge changes in your life. Anyone of those is enough to send you crazy in the short term let alone all 3 within a short time frame. Take all the help you are offered and if you need more or different medications take them or ask for will only be short term until you get your strength back and dont feel bad about it. You sound like you are doing a marvellous job so far. There is every chance that you are over the worst of it and you will now be trouble free. I wish you well.
I'm glad to read that you saw your PCP.:)

Fluid retention can cause shortness of breath; are you on a diuretic?

Did you mention your ongoing sadness to the PCP? Sometimes you have to shop around before you find an antidepressant that works for you, so don't hesitate to discuss your concerns with the doctor.

Let us know what you find out.:)
I want everyone to know that your words have been soooooo encouraging!! I even went to my primary care doc today....instead of putting it off again. You all are right to take the first step and get the physical stuff out of the way and I'm glad I did. The doctor wants me to get a new panel of bloodwork done tomorrow and reschedule with the cardiologist to do another echo. I've got quite a bit of swelling that we can't explain so he wants to rule a bunch of stuff out.
Thank you all for helping me make the decision to be proactive and positive!

I will keep you all posted & God Bless, Mary

great news! you are starting the process. Good for you. from here you can go and go and......
Just catching up on reading and Mary want to welcome you

and a big hello,and never feel your whining k you sound very

brave and strong,just so much at once.

I see your doing bloodwork and an echo soon,good for you at getting

started to look after you. Lots of good advice and hope you will be

better with start of items you continue to look after you.

One day at a time Mary.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi everyone.....I went to cardiologist and he did a chest xray and ultrasound of my abdomen, after the echo. The echo shows the valve narrowing a bit, but nothing to be worried about. The other tests also came up negative, but is recommending additional blood work after my thyroid is checked........wants to see if hormones are a problem! Who knows but....Iwill stay on top of it all and keep you posted. Have a great evening!!!!! Mary M.
I am glad things are starting to look up for you.

Take care
Hi Mary glad to see your post,good things are getting checked

over with you,keep in touch and let us hear how your thiroid

tests pan out for you........Glad you posted.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Wow Mary
By the looks of your posts you might just have found a little brightness. I just read the whole deal for you today. I've been recovering from MVR in the hospital so not much access. I'm a 38 year old new father. My son was only 6 weeks old when had my surgery. I know that it's different being a mom but I was really depressed just before surgery. The what if monster kept chasing me around. I would lay my son in his cradle at night and cry because what if I didn't make it. Who would be his daddy. It really made this round bad. But having doctors that I trust family to support me, and the people here to talk to. Unlike friends and family these people have been through the ringer as well. I have also found no matter how bad it looked for me. There always seems to be someone here who has had worse and are dealing with it. Those people help me draw inspiration. I have found that just talking on this sight has made me feel alot better about my self my outcome and my well being. It has worked for me better than therapy. So please keep us posted and we are all here to help.