Almost a 4 mile brisk walk today

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Adding another post. Karla great job at 15 minute miles and 3 of them, wow!!!!! Excellent job. I have something special prepared for this thursday (every thursday I push a little harder than the Thursday before), cannot wait to share.
Another awesome day today. Probably, the best day in the past 3 weeks. Ok, so here is the link to the total walk:
However, it does not tell the whole story.

I did 10x 30 second sprint-walking intervals (these were my fastest walking speed I could master) with 90 second medium-fast walking breaks. After that walked some and then did 30, 30, and 40 count full depth ATG (ass-to-grass) bodyweight squats with 3-4 minute walking breaks in between. The total time outside was just over 1 hour and I kept the RunKeeper timer running.

Heart-rate was around 110-115 after intervals and squats and about 90-95 most other time. Since, I am off of amiodarone and barely take any metoprolol (12.5mg once daily) I think my heart-rate is a bit higher, but I do not really feel it and have to use the heart monitor to really tell.

All-in-all, I felt great. A good friend of mine came out and he walked with me. Here are the mile splits: 1st: 15:50 min/mile, 2nd: 13:45 min/mile, 3rd: 20:35 min/mile, 4th: 19:18 min/mile. I was doing my squats during miles 3 and 4, followed by a long leisurely walk back home.
Karla, it's a way of life. ;)

Sprint walked a hilly 1.25 miles this morning in just under 19 minutes. That means a 4mph average. Heart-rate was pretty stable at around 90-110.
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!! Hit my goal of 4 miles in under 1 hour. Next goal is 10k (6.2miles) in 90 minutes.

I walked 4.1 miles in 57:40. That's average of 4.27mph or 14:04 min/mile. This was accomplished by a 10 minute warm-up, followed by 25, 90 second intervals. 90 second intervals are 30 second sprint-walks and 60 second recovery walks. I did 25 of these and then took a medium-fast walk all the way home for about another 10 minutes. This got me 4.1 miles.