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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
A special thank you to you for all your important information. It is so helpful for those on coumadin. I am not, but brother is. Having a professional around to guide is very comforting and I just wanted to say thanks. God bless
Yes, let me second that! Thanks Al.

You know Coumadin is my favorite subject.

It's a challange that I have finally mastered! Well, most of the time if I behave:D
Hey, Gina - had a boyfriend once upon a time whose favorite saying was 'if today is not so good, tomorrow will be a better day'. Know what? He was always right, too.
thank you although joey does not take coumadin, my dad does. he has yet to come on board here, so i e-mail him pages that pertain to him. thank you from him as well. all the info has been beyond helpful and informative. we're so lucky to have you amongus.