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I am really sorry to hear about your Dad.
I have had denial work,back surgery,hand surgery,two pacemaker and many test since my OHS and they won't thouch me with out bridging me with lovenox injections and heprin IV for anything because of my history with three strokes and blood clot. I have never went 24 hrs. without a blood thiner.


I had a wire removal, carpal tunnel, hernia repair and an arthroplasty of the the thumb. The cardiac surgeon was in charge since I had 2 procedures done together and I was taken off coumadin 4 days prior. Today I had a tooth extraction and the dentist called the Cardiologist and he said I was not to be taken off the coumadin. Everything went fine and not much bleeding. When I saw the cardiologist after the hernia etc, he was not happy with being taken off but suggested bridging if I should need more surgery. I agree with him. Sorry about your Dad.
warrenr said:

I suggest that if you ever have a colonoscopy again with or without biopsy that you show the Guidlines set forth by the ASGE Standard's of Practice Comittee for anticoagulation to your gostro. ;)

Where can I find those?

My Gastroenterologist (and I) are contemplating an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. He wants me to go OFF Coumadin (but presumably will accept Bridge Therapy as recommended by my Cardiologist).

I would prefer to STAY on Coumadin (perhaps at a reduced INR, say 2.5-3.0) for these procedures.

'AL Capshaw'
warrenr said:
Some of you are familiar with my father's stroke after a screening colonoscopy. For those of you that are not, here is what happened in a nutshell. Father stopped coumadin 4 full day's before procedure. Several hours after procedure a clot broke away from his St Jude Mech Mitral Valve. He had a massive right side embolic stroke. Is know in nursing home for rest of his life.

I am in the process of putting a book together for valver's, afiber's, and dvter's that will specifically address anticoagulation protocol for various medical and dental procedures that you valver's have to deal with.

I need help putting a list together of some of the most common real life medical and dental procedures you valver's have to deal with. There are several thousand members at this site so we should be able to come up with a very good list.

Let's start the list​

I have had an emergency work....

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