All This Mountain Talk!

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Bob Gleason

I read a lot from many of you about "see you on the other side of the mountain...."

Well, from now on I propose that we remove that phrase and replace it with

"..............I'll see you on top of the mountain."

We all have had our mountains to climb up, so why the hell should we climb down? There is plenty of room for all of us at the top!.............a better view, for sure!

"Those who are on top of the mountain did not fall there."

Hello to Hank, Gina (my true love and heart buddy)and many of my old heart buddies who have helped me climb my mountain.

Gleason is on his way back into the fold. Can't ya hear me clicking and falling over from these ridiculous TIAs???
i agree bob, enough stuff that's derogatory to mountaintops...!!!
mountaintops are amazing places where we can take stock and look at the beauty all around us; unless they are Scottish when the mist rarely lifts enough to see anything and your cagoul pockets are full of water!( said with a deep regard for those beautiful Scottish hills)I have to say that having my heart op was in no way like climbing a mountain, the way up is hard but wonderous, and the summit makes all the effort worthwhile,for me waiting and having and recovering from surgery was like waiting at a bus stop underneath the Blackwall tunnel, then finally getting on a bumpy bus that took me (boringly to a suburb of London that i didn't much care for.My recovery tho' was to do with my dreams of making it to the mountains once more, and experiencing the pleasures of an active life within the beauty of nature. thankfully, even in the city, my daughter shows me many wonderfgul things and we have the most beautiful parks to lift our spirits even on a grey day....We folks here though definitely need s different metaphor for heart was nowhere near climbing a beautiful hill for me......tho everest or k2 may be another matter!:D
How about, "See you on the Far-Side?" nyuk, nyuk , nyuk. I can hear you clicking, Bob.

Okay, let's talk business! Golf, that is. I've been working on my swing for the last few weekends at an "open all year" heated practice range and exercising my butt off, so we can enjoy a round or two in Las Vegas. (Remember the rain out in Nashville?). Besides your being responsible for the VR.COM OPEN, I am looking forward to playing with you.

Keep in touch.
My Brother Bob G. Lives!!

My Brother Bob G. Lives!!

Well Well Well - My Brother Bob G. Returns!! I missed seeing you on the board my friend. If you don't show up here, then you won't show up on the links or on the b-ball floor and I have GOT to whip you at something :D

It's good to see you again.

Why don't you email me and tell me hows life?
Hi Bob,

Glad to see you're back among us! Ypu must be feeling better! That's a reason to :) .

I want to comment on what you said about meeting you on the other side of the mountain. I was saying that phrase because I picked up on it from others on this forum. I took it to mean that "you crossed the hurdle and made it over" I never thought of it as having to go back down on the other side. I guess it's all on how you perceive it. I'm just as happy with being on top of the mountain too! :D ! You are right! What a great view!

Keep on clicking! Take care!