All My Dr's are crazy!

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Or is it me! I spent last night in the ER and finally they attmitted at 3:00 Am. I was having low B/p 114/50( I am on ss disabilty for uncontrolable B/p) my heart rate keep dipping down to under 50 and my o2 was in the 80's and only in the mid 90 on 4lt. of oxygen, I was having tachicardi the whole night, Chest pains and short of breath. They called my primary Dr. game in this morning and told me he was sending me home after breakfast. He said there was no need to see the cardiologist because all my cath's were normal! I have cardiomyopathy and I have read this can cause all the symtoms I was having but my primary care Dr. thinks it was refux. They gave me everything they could for it in the ER but the pain was still there. When I go to see my Dr. I am taking him the print out of the information I found on WEBMD. SO yes while I am venting my INR was 5.5 and he took me to hold my warfin for two days. :confused: My daughter the Rn is going to the cardiologist with me tues. to talk to him about finding me another DR. By way when I was released from the hosp this morning if all I had was gas why did he put on my release form not to Drive, No heavy lifting .& no straining!!!!!!! Is this Dr' crazy or is it me!! :eek: Thanks for listening!
Sherrin we've been saying it for a long time that you need to get someone else. These people are going to be your death one of these days. :(
I know what you mean Sherrin...

I know what you mean Sherrin...

I just got done arguing with my doctor about my health issues as well, so I totally and completely agree with you that doctors are totally whacked when they don't listen to the patient, and even though they say tests are not full proof, they sure do convince you that they are completely accurate and they rely on them....I feel your frustration...Harrybaby666 :mad:
Thanks for your support. It not as easy as it sounds. My primary is ss medicare and most of the Dr. I've called or not taking new patients are don't take medicare or go to the hopspital I need to go to.
I know it's not Sherrin. That's part of the reason why I joined a Medicare HMO. Trying to find a Doctor that will accept traditional Medicare is almost nonexistent here.
I think withholding 2 doses is going to make you swing the other way. Look up Al's chart on dose management on his site and see what it says.
Seems like your current GP is more interested in managing the dollars around your care than managing your care.

I think your plan to go to the cardiologist and see if he can help you find another GP is an excellent idea. If not, all you can do is keep on banging at the door of other doctors, to see if one will let you in, or if a staff person knows someone who will let you in. Your daughter must be disgusted with the runaround these doctors are giving you.

Keep your antennae up for new doctors, or new additions to established practices. Keep buttonholing doctors at the hospital when you're there - maybe one will relent, or help leverage you in with another GP. If you're at the point of no return, you might even ask your unsatisfactory GP to get you in with someone else, outrageous as that may sound.

I sure hope you can find some quality care soon, Sherrin. It's a shame the burden has to be so much on you. You deserve better.

Best wishes,
Oh, goodness, Sherrin. My thoughts are certainly with you. I agree that holding two doses may make you swing the other way. That's always been my reaction when I've been told to hold two doses. (BTW, my coumadin nurse never gives me that advice because she knows me well enough. It's always another doc.) Can you abide by Ross's advice to get into that HMO? Perhaps that's what you need. I can only imagine what your nurse daughter thinks about all of this :mad: Keep us informed.
My gosh Sherrin!

That is totally horrible! I agree about a couple of comments here,one from Ross about trying to get on Medicare HMO. I defintely wouldn't hold two days for a 5.5 reading as Karlynn and Sherry pointed out! I think the last time I let a nurse tell me to do that, I went down to 1.2! Very scarey! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you try to get this horrible treatment resolved. It seems like too many primary doctors don't know anything about heart patients and valve care!
I'm lucky that way!

I'm lucky that way!

Hi Sherrin and sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with the whole issue. Being sick is bad enough as it is, let alone when you have to start worrying and having doubts about the treatment you're getting. I don't really understand how things are done in America, but in my case the only thing I can't get through my private health care is the operation itself because it's a pre existing condition, but I have no problems when it comes to choosing a doctor or getting exams done. I'm happy with both my cardio and surgeon as well as all the other doctor's I go to, and it does make a big difference when you can trust them. I hope you get this sorted out soon in order to feel better and more confident about what's getting done to you regarding your slow heart rate and coumadin. I'll sure keep you in my thoughts and prayers too. Take care and keep on trying.

Thanks everyone for your support!
I have an app. with my cardiologist this tues. and my daughter the R.N. is going with me. I sure she will have alot more questions that I can think up. Hopefully I will get theis resolve real soon.
Sherrin, So sorry that you are having such a hard time. I hope that you can manage to get a new doc....this is clearly not OK.

I am just chiming in on the holding of the warfarin for two days....when I did that mine also went down to 1.2....I would certainly check with someone else about how to handle it...preferably with Al's chart in hand.

Good luck to you.


I wish you a lot of luck Tuesday, cause the primary cannot take the place if a cardio. I hope you get a better primary. I have a good one, luckily enough. She is sending me to get a doppler in the neck this week. It is to check the cardio-vascular in the neck. So good luck.
Hi All,
I was in the hosp. since sunday afternoon. I blacked out at home somethime sunday between 4:00=5:30. I went to the ER and my priamary care group wanted to send me back home but finally the ER Dr. stood up to thim and called My cardiologist and I was admitted. After of bunch od tests they decided that I needed a pacemaker and Defibalator. My primary care didn't know show his face! what a surprise. Just got home and doing well. Thank all for your thoughts and prayers


How very scary, Sherrin!! :eek: Hopefully this will put an end to those ER visits!

Sure enjoyed seeing you and Mike in Colorado!
THanks Rain,
I just glad all this took place here and not there. We had the best time ther. I haven't ggot m pictures of the mountains printed yet. I sure am gald to be home I have to give my self shots thre times a day for the next three days.
SO!!! you want to know the one thing my 21 daughter said, to me on the phone. PLEASE tell me you are not going to make anymore noises :eek:
Hi Betty,
They did late wed, night. It was 12:00am when I got back to my room. They did the EP study first.I am doing pretty well I guess! My left shoulder is a little sore and my cchest looks like a road map.
Glad to hear it!

Glad to hear it!

Hi Sherrin, I've just read your last two posts and I'm very happy that something got done at last! That should teach your doctor a lesson and I'm sure that from now on he will be more careful and will take his patients' complaints more seriously. I hope you reach the full recovery mark pretty soon so that you can really put it all behind you and carry on with your life.


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