All GOOD TO GO from pre-op

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Hello you wonderful people!! 4 pm Pacific. Just got the call from my surgeon that all pre-op tests from this morning were perfect and I'm good to go!!

I'm racing around getting last minute stuff accomplished as we all have had to do.......

Wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support, knowledge, prayers, time, patience, humor....oh my.....this could be a very long list!! :) The journey changed from one of complete disbelief and trepidation to one of confidence and knowledge. I'm forever grateful.

A few of you know that a little vision came to me the other day.... I saw myself being held up on a huge blanket with all these smiling faces all around me, ready to carry me through my big day. Of course, my own friends and family are among the group holding tight, but I felt all of you there, too. It's a wonderful image and I know it will, indeed, carry me through.

Thank you to all who've shared blessings from the other thread about this busy week's events.

I'll be back in a few days!!! :D See you then!!

Godspeed Marguerite. I know you will be fine. Your vision sounds wonderful and I am sure you have plenty of arms to hold you.
See you on the other side.
Just remember we are all here thinking of you. I know your going to be fine!:)
. . . and ye shall know us by our ticking . . .

Bless you, Marguerite; you know you have all our prayers.
Will be thinking of you...

Will be thinking of you...

You will be in our thoughts & prayers, looking forward to another "boring" surgery story.
Doug & Cathy
Hi there my fellow April-Valver...
If you were in Australia you would already be in LaLaLand and half fixed by now and up to the fun bit where the surgeon does his thing!;) ...
I wish you all the very very best.

So glad all the pre-op stuff went well...that must be why I was awake all-night, I was picturing you doing all the X-ray and blood-drawing and stuff...that was the easy part hey...and quite painless too!

I too will be thinking of you and praying for you
God Bless


I'm staring at a blank screen wanting to say something special but the words won't come, so I will have to settle for my typical cryptic replies and ask you to read between the lines for you to know that we are in your corner and wishing you the best. Sending a few prayers your way.
So glad that things went well in pre-op Maguerite and also glad that you can feel our presence. You KNOW we are all there cheering you on. :D Godspeed!

Hope it ain't one of them green wool Army blankets, them things itch something awful.:D :D :D :D :p :p :p :p

And I think Mary needs to pick up her corner more.:p :p :p :p :p :rolleyes:

Good luck and we will be waiting for your post from the other side of the mountain. Prayers and good thoughts continue your way.

May God Bless,


I'm coming out of my hole in the ground to hold my corner of the blankie for you. It may be too late for you to see this...darn it I meant to check in earlier. I know you are going to do just great and we'll be waiting for you on the other side of the mountain. And see if you can get the licence plate of that d*#n truck for us! ;)
oh wow, this one slipped up on me. YOu know the collective thoughts and prayers will carry you sailing over the mountain and you won't even touch down til you get all the way over to the good side. GODSPEED, FRIEND!