Not intending to be a fear-monger here, but I thought I'd let everyone know what I was told yesterday. One of our best friends is a village manager of a suburb in the Chicago area. He said last night that they have been inundated by FBI alerts in the past month, more so than in the last 4 years. Interesting that his information comes about the same time we're hearing that Al Quada is almost back to full strength. I asked him what all that meant, he just said "Let's just say that we are being more cautious now than ever."
All that being said - having had heart surgery, I still tend to have the "Life is to be lived." attitude and don't plan to alter, or tell my family to alter, their plans.
All that being said - having had heart surgery, I still tend to have the "Life is to be lived." attitude and don't plan to alter, or tell my family to alter, their plans.