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Not intending to be a fear-monger here, but I thought I'd let everyone know what I was told yesterday. One of our best friends is a village manager of a suburb in the Chicago area. He said last night that they have been inundated by FBI alerts in the past month, more so than in the last 4 years. Interesting that his information comes about the same time we're hearing that Al Quada is almost back to full strength. I asked him what all that meant, he just said "Let's just say that we are being more cautious now than ever."

All that being said - having had heart surgery, I still tend to have the "Life is to be lived." attitude and don't plan to alter, or tell my family to alter, their plans.
A different outlook

A different outlook

I don?t loose sleep over terrorists, I like to put things in perspective, even in 2001 a particularly bad year for terrorism related deaths in the US far more people died in road related trauma in the US that year. If you live in constant fear of terrorism they have succeeded, thats not to say that intelligence and police agencies shouldn't be vigilant. Terrorism is about physiological victory not military victory. Unless I travel to an unstable region of the world I will have more chance of being killed on the road than by a terrorist in the next year. :)
They know what they know and we have no choice but to simply do what we do. I'm sure sooner or later, they'll rear their ugly head again, but we can't worry about it continuously.
I think this thread was started just to make sure everyone is still aware of the dangers. Sometimes it seems that most people have forgotten about 9/11 and what this fight is all about. I mean, my gosh, there are those who now claim 9/11 was a farce.

I don't think about this everyday either but I do try to be more aware of my surroundings when I am in public places. Granted we will probably not be able to predict where the next attack is coming from or where it will be but, if we pay attention to suspicious behavior or items, lives could be saved like what happened recently in GB.
We have lost so many men and women here in Oregon, in this war.....our flags are almost constantly at half mast. And we fly a lot of flags around here. For me, that is a constant reminder that all is not well in our land of the free.

:( Marguerite
Gina's right. It's more just a note to keep your eyes open. We live in a different era now.

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