Alan AVR 20th May

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My symptoms got worse in the last few weeks so I decided to go for my aortic valve replacement next week. I had an appointment with my cardiac surgeon yesterday and on Wednesday (18th May) I?ll have an angiogram and on Friday AVR.

I decided to have a tissue valve and my surgeon is comfortable with that decision.

Psychologically I feel quite well and hope to stay like that. No point worrying about things we can?t control.

I want to thank everyone for their support and advice.

I?ll let you know how I go.


Wishing you a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery, Alan. Sounds like you have the right mind-set! :)
You sound great. It seems that your outlook is much like mine. I'm trying to view my surgery as inevitable; uncontrollable, so there is no sense worrying in advance.

We'll be thinking of you on the 20th and hoping you'll post soon afterwards.
Thanks again. I must say that this web site helped me a lot to find my peace with the surgery. I would like to share some positive experiences from other people that went through this ordeal.
A fellow at work went through endocarditis and valve replacement recently. After a few days after the operation he was very comfortable in the hospital. Drugs made him sleepy and pain free, he had visitors, TV and books and didn?t feel like going home.
A fried of his had AVR and had some special visions during the operation. He said that he met god and that she was beautiful and mentioned ?if you meet her, please say hello from me?.
I know that there will be some discomfort and pain but I hope that I?ll be able to see the funny side of the experience and joke about it.

Thank you for your support


Good luck on your climb up the mountain and I look forward to the successful post after you come down the other side. You've got the best attitude going in and it will serve you well. Just "go with the flow" and things will pass.

Good luck and prayers and good thoughts are coming your way. Try to line up someone to keep "da family" informed on your successful journey. We worry like "mother" hens and "father" roosters here until we read the good news :D :D .

May God Bless,

Alan I received a tissue valve on June 2nd last year and so far so good. No problems at all. I know you'll do great and be sure and have someone post for you. Hugs and prayers are coming your way.
Best wishes and good luck on the upcoming installation. Is someone going to post on your behalf while your out of the loop?
Alan, it isn't necessarily that bad, painwise. I didn't have much pain throughout (thanks to fentanyl and tramadol). I had a bad night when they opted to leave the tube in for "one more night," and it created feedback with my breathing, but once I was past that, it was fine.

I still suggest to people that they request patient-controlled fentanyl vs. morphine. It is a relative of morphine, but it has fewer stomach effects and generally leaves most people more lucid.

The tramadol is an excellent pain reliever (again, it is a scheduled drug), but if you can use it, it works very well. If they just offer you Tylenol (I know some folks here were only offered that), wrap your IV line around their throats a couple times and pull on it until they offer you something better. Don't be in pain. It's not heroic, and it doesn't help you heal, as it distracts your energy and resources.

Just nosey - which tissue valve did you wind up choosing?

Best wishes,
I think I?ll get Medtronic Mosaic stented valve and part of my aorta will have to be replaced. If that proves to be a problem then I?ll get Medtronic Freestyle (stentless with the tube). The first option is simpler as coronary arteries stay intact. The reoperation is simpler as well as only valve has to be replaced.
I asked my surgeon about multiple operations and he thinks that these days is generally not a problem in particular if one doesn?t have additional complications. As an example he mentioned a person that already had 10 AVRs because of some blood condition that clogs the valves within18 months.
Of course you wouldn't do it unless you had to.

Keep it up

Keep it up

Hi Alan.
Keep up the positive attitude. I found the surgery to be not nearly as bad as I imagined. Just relax and let the pros do their job. I bet you'll be up and running in no time. I'll keep you in the thoughts/prayers.
Well, it took awhile, but that road to the mountain often gets shorter each day. You sound really upbeat about it all. Even tho it's no picnic, you will get glad to get it done and back to normal again. Hope someone can let us know, as Ross says. You've been with us a long time so we need to know, if possible. Maybe one of your co-valve replacementers you mentioned could come in - GODSPEED!
Your first.

Your first.

Hi there Alan, I know how it feels when you need something done to you for the first time. I've already had three mitral valve replacements, and the fourth is somewhere waiting for me. But I feel more scared of the cataract surgery I'm having in a few weeks because I've never been through one before. Believe it or not, I don't really have such thing as bad memories from my OHSs or the times I was in hospital. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the 20th, and will also say a special prayer from now on. Keep up the positive attitude!
Débora :)
May god be with you Alan

alan_delac said:
My symptoms got worse in the last few weeks so I decided to go for my aortic valve replacement next week. I had an appointment with my cardiac surgeon yesterday and on Wednesday (18th May) I?ll have an angiogram and on Friday AVR.

I decided to have a tissue valve and my surgeon is comfortable with that decision.

Psychologically I feel quite well and hope to stay like that. No point worrying about things we can?t control.

I want to thank everyone for their support and advice.

I?ll let you know how I go.


Alan, I hope all goes well for you and that you are able to get the tissue valve you want and it lasts you for many many years. You are in my prayers this week.
All the best in the morning Alan, looking forward to hearing the news that it was a complete success.
From some fellow Aussies,
Chris and Yolanda