Afib and the naval hospital

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I figured I would tell you my story about how MY week is going. Actually this is a venting session. Sorry.

Ok, I have been in AFIB for 4 days now. I called my cardiology fellow on call, and she wants me to be seen ASAP. One problem...My husband is in San Diego. SO I told her I would be seen as soon as I could. I will end up taking an ambulance to the ER, I gaurantee it. Anyways, I called the naval hospital, and THEY said, I don't know, I can't help you with your problem, we don't run a daycare here, you'll have to wait. I was like, WHAT?????? How rude, and bitchy! I told her I am at high risk for TIA's, Strokes, or worst, blood clots in my heart. She just said "I don't know what to do for you." I was like, "Um, EKG comes to mind, but if you don't like to do your job, than maybe you shouldn't work there anymore. " I will be complaining about her. And they call themselves a hospital! This is twice that they either have misdxed me or refused to take me in because of kids. ARGH! I don't know what to do, I am stuck until Kevin comes home, and we don't know when that will be. I guess just sit here in AFIB. I am thinking about filing suit against them for refusing to see me because of my kids. What do you think? I'm sorry, I am just extremely lightheaded, and MAD! Take it easy.
Joy - don't think you would be able to sue govt. They just don't let you. If this lady was a dr, she's not a cardiologist, sounds like. When you complain about her, write it to your senator. That ought to get a rise from somebody. try not to wait too long on this. Is there someone around to help you with the children? Know this is a hard one, what with your husband gone. Keep us posted. God bless
Hi Joy!
It sounds like you are in a tough spot right now. You really do need to see a doctor. It doesn't sound like the base is being very helpful? I wish I could help you out somehow. Is there any other wives on base that might be able to help you out some? Keep us all posted.

Joy.....can't you go to the cardio WITH the kids????I'm sure someone in the office would be willing to babysit while you're seen, yes? What about a neighbor??? Are we talking about the hospital or a cardio visit??? Can't you contact the commander and let him know youhave a family emergency??? Please let us know.

Family member fly out

Family member fly out

Joy, How much longer before Kevin gets home? Cannot a family member fly out and help with kids? Bet your Mom would..Bonnie
Hey guys, I am on the phone with tricare, and not having fun trying to get through to them that I need a holter moniter, and don't feel like driving down to Tacoma for a referral, and then back to get the dumb thing on. No thanks, I will drive to seattle to get it put on instead, then it will be ONE trip! And I can bring my kids and not have to pay for the daycare! Sound good? I am about to hang up on these people. This is the third time THIS CALL I have been put on hold. I need a nap! I don't need my mom to come out this time, my husband will be home in a couple of weeks, so I will be fine. Well, I better get going I will keep you all updated!
hi joy!
i'm so sorry to hear about the afib. it can be so disconcerting. i realize you have been in afib for about 4 days now, right? are you taking coumadin or any sort of blood thinner?
i'm no doctor, but i do know that joey's cardio gives him a window of 24-72 hours for the afib to go away on its own before insisting he go on coumadin to avoid any blood clots from forming.
is that something you should be thinking about?
i realize kevin will be home in a few weeks, but do you want to wait that long to take care of this? maybe your mom would love to come for a quick visit?
or, why not just barge in with the kids? your health may be at stake.
please let us know what you decide to do...
wishing i could help more.
thinking about you, sylvia
Hi guys, I was seen at a smaller clinic down the street from where I live. It's a branch off the naval hospital. I decided I would adjust my own meds. Metoprolol has basically gotten me out of it. I NOW take 50 MG in the morning, and 25 mg at bedtime. I feel better, and my blood pressure is still at 117/81. My pulse has ranged from 63-70 since then. I am going to let my cardio know what happened, and what I did about it. I can't get into my regular doctor for a while. WE basically have to call a month ahead of time to get those appointments. Dr. Devlin, the one who helped me out before actually seemed to know what he was talking about, but he wasn't a cardiologist, so I will have to Talk to Dr. Stewart about it over the phone. Anyways, take it easy, and that is what I have decided to do.