The Tucks and Prep H and sitz baths are all helpful. A detachable shower head that you can run lukewarm water through is helpful. If you don't have one, use a clean honey bottle or dishwashing liquid bottle with lukewarm water. Put a small towel in the bottom of the bathtub or on the side to sit on, and squirt the water onto the affected area. Sometimes putting your Tucks or Prep H into the 'frig can bring the swelling down even quicker (although it's cold). Make sure that you're as active as you're allowed to be, and drink as much fluid as you're allowed. Fiber and stool softeners work better only if there's enough fluid. Use flushable wipes and pat it dry with toilet paper. If all that doesn't work, you can ask your GP for a suppository or cream with a steroid. If you can't pee, THIS IS NOT HEMORRHOIDS! That usually means a rectal abcess, so see the doc immediately or go to the ER, as this is a surgical emergency.
Trying to rain in Idaho,