Adjusting dosage

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Hi everyone

I bought my Coaguchek XS a couple of weeks ago. I have done two home tests, the first one said my INR was 2.2. Just to check and see if I'd done it right I went to the lab and had a test which came back at 2.3 so I was pretty spot on:)
Anyway a week later and I have just done my 2nd test and my reading is 2.3. My range is 2.5-3.5 so I guess I am going to increase my dosage a wee bit. I was taking 3mg and 4mg on alternate nights, so I'll put it up to 4mg every night and test again in a few days?
Anyway, my real question to you experienced home testers out there is: do you manage your dose adjustments yourself or do you ring your GP every time?
I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent and sensible so think I am capable of managing things myself - plus my GP is sometimes quite slow getting back to me with my INR reading and dosage instructions. Also he thinks that my currrent reading (the one done a week ago at 2.2) is okay, but I still feel it is a bit low - I would rather it was a bit higher. I think he doesn't have many/any other patients who home test (I live in a very small place) so it might be a bit new to him?
Well I might go and see him this week and discuss the issue.

What do you guys do re dosage adjusting?

Taking 4mg/day will be upping your weekly dose by about 15% which should raise things enough to put you in range.

I would retest again in a week and see how things are.

Sounds like you have a good handle on things.

I manage my own ACT but report results to the doctor every month.
My weekly dose centers around 28 mg/week (4/day) with slight variations +/- over the years. Usually I come back into range with VERY SMALL changes. I'd recommend upping your dose by only 1 or 2 mg/week to see how it went, testing a week later.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Bridgett,

Practice makes perfect with INR monitoring and you will soon get the hang of it. After all you have a vested interest in staying in range.

My XS test results are reported to an anti-coagulation clinic in Toronto. I could probably do it myself most of the time. However should a problem occur e.g. inaccurate information from dentists and/or surgeons I feel secure knowing there is someone looking out for me with clout. Home testing is just getting off the ground here in Canada and is slowly being accepted.

Happy to learn you are pleased with your XS.
I'm also new to the whole dosing game but when i want to make a change i make a small change, 1 or 2mg a week.

I was on 5 daily but changed to 5/5/4/5/5/4 recently to move me down slightly from the low 3's to the high 2's.

I currently throw my suggested changes into this forum for others to comment on at this time as i'm not 100% confident as yet but i've been confident enough to overrule my GP a couple of times when he has suggested too large a change.
