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Well, I'm headed off across the big pond in less than 20 hours. Paris, here I come! My INR was a perfect 3.1 this morning. I figure all the walking will balance out the wine! :D If someone had told me 13 years ago that I'd be traveling in Europe, let alone down to the end of the block, I wouldn't have believed them.

You all have strict instructions to stay healthy, be good (but not too good ;) ) and keep Ross from getting his picture on the front page of the paper or in the police blotter. Then someone's gonna have to be prepared to give me a Cliffs Notes version of all I'll miss in the next 9 days.

Spring, Polcat, Kodiac and Glenda, I wish you all successful surgeries. You will be in my prayers.
have a wonderful time! If you see my daughter, wave - she's over yonder someplace. It's an awesome trip, I'm told. Tell us all about it when you get back.
It's a long flight, so make sure you get up and walk a few times.

Try the local wines, as you'll never get to see most of them again. You can only bring back a very few bottles (even paying full duty for them), so choose them very carefully.

Have a wonderful time.

Best wishes,
I'm envious

I'm envious

BUT not so much to wish for you a wonderful experience in Europe!! Take lots of pictures for those of us who may never get to see Paris in this mortal lifetime! :)

Christina L.
Have A Great Trip

Have A Great Trip

Hi Karlynn

Have a great time in Europe !!

I am off to Europe next Sunday, we will be visiting Northern France, Belgium and Holland

I hope that the weather is kind to us both !!

Enjoy yourself

Love Jan
Obviously I have missed something in your translation Ross, lol.

Karlynn..have a fantastic time! You deserve it my friend. Savor every single moment. Please have a nice glass of wine for me. Having that tooth yanked Thursday.......only 'whine' going on in my house will be coming from me.

Take lots of photos!
Oh Karlynn....Miss Paris Bound Girlfriend...

Oh Karlynn....Miss Paris Bound Girlfriend...

Avoir une visite merveilleuse dans Paris et un voyage sûr.

I'll be singing, "I love Paris in the springtime, I love Paris in the fall" -- just for y'all.

...and I didn't know Ross was on steroids. :D