Adding a second grown cat

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Gail in Ca

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Has anyone had the experience of taking in a year old cat to a household with a 4 yr old male cat that doesn't spray and a terrier that gets along with this existing cat? I think the yr old cat is a male not sure if he sprays or not. Can this be a major problem? HOw would one test to see if this would work?
Thanks to all you pet lovers out there!
There's no way to test, unless you just bring the cat to visit for a few days before it officially moves in. In that time you would get an idea. Spraying can be a REAL problem. If you neuter the cat before it reaches its sexual maturity, it might not ever spray, but once it learns this habit, it might not ever quit. Male urine spray can devastate your wooden furniture (eats the paint/varnish away). My daughter brought her male, who had been an outside cat and not neutered, and he sprayed everything in sight, ruining many things. Hated that d*** cat. The male urine is so strong that when he sprays, you will have a really hard time getting the odor out. As to getting along with your current male kitty, it might happen - or not. I have two female dogs, one male. The newest female is huge but she likes my male chihuahua, but my female chihuahua HATES her. A matter of supremacy, I guess. Another thing to think about is spraying is the animal marking his territory - so there you have it. And I speak from YEARS of cat ownership. Have always had one or more from as long as I can remember. Didn't mean to sound so negative - it might be that your cats will love each other very much and all I have said will turn out to be a lot of nothing. Cats can be such comforting and loving pets and I think everybody should have at least one, if not more. You will get other answers - somebody in here (was it Jack) has 7 cats so wait for others to post and then throw mine out the door. LOL:D
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hensylee pretty much summed it up.

I've tried with various cats. Sometimes things work smoothly, other times, you ask yourself, "What on earth was I thinking".

I have an old boy here that doesn't welcome any new comers. We thought it would be nice for him to have a playmate, but he wants to be the "One and only" in this house.

If you get a male, get it neutered right away or you'll be very sorry. Mine goes through the motions of spraying, but he's now harmless. Well, at least as far as spraying!

Good luck.
Cat's and dogs do make life interesting. They might get along, they might not. But Cats and dogs who live together have a way of working things out. I currently have a dog and 1 cat. The dog has managed to seperate "cat = prey" from the one he lives with, and is very happy to see the cat. The cat thinks otherwise, but has been seen licking the dogs nose when the dog is out cold sprawled on the rug. In the past I have lived with 5-7 cats at a time and find it a pleasant mouse free enviroment.

I also exist with one very FAT cat (he thinks he is Buddah!! lol) and one very SPOILED dog. The dog, being a border collie/lab mix, thinks that she has to herd the cat. She doesn't know that she is a dog though and is afraid of other dogs and even puppies!!! If a cat happens to wander into our yard she takes after it like a bat out of hell. Course she will also do this if she catches a deer in our yard. Or person for that matter!!!

I have had male cats and introduced other male cats into the household. It is touch and go at first, but they soon will come to an un-easy understanding of sorts.

Good luck and take care,


:) Hi Everyone who has cats and dogs.
I have l teenage male cat and l teenage female cat. the male chases the female all the time. the are both fixed. Both are great cats, we just love them. Then we got a dog. And what a dog. He is almost human. He thinks the cats are all his. But they don't feel the same way. I agree animals are what makes the world go round. I couldn't be without them, even if they are a lot of work.

We want to get another cat like maybe l or 2 yrs old. but really afraid to do that. These 3 get along so good. I will be watching the posts to see if i get any answers. Maybe a kitten would be better. Syl:p :eek:
If you are going to get another, Sylvia, get a kitten (female, preferably) and then you can have her spayed ASAP and also train her from day one. Kittens are so active and cute, to boot, and she will liven up the lives of the others. Penelope picked me out at the pound about 3 yrs ago and she is my constant companion. She goes everywhere I go, even accompanies me in the kitchen to help me cook (on those very rare occasions - LOL).:D

We had an 2 older cats (13) when our 2 cats came to live with us. They chose us. The older cats did not seem to care at all and the new cats gave them a wide berth. I think they knew one was the alpha and she was old and ill. She died a year later from feline diabetes. The other old cat did not seem to care about the 2 young ones, and did not care when our wire fox terrier came to live with us. We had previously had an airedale who was very good friends with the 2 older cats. The other old cat died about 8 months after the dog moved in (Unrelated).
Now we have 2 cats and the terrier. All abut 8 years old. One cat loves the dog and they are best pals. the other cat hates the dog, and sprays anything the dog gets near. Since the pets all live with my mom she hates it. the cat constantly pees on the dog's bed and his towel and his toys. She does it for territorial marking.

THe other cat and the dog sleep together and drink out of the same water dish and the cat will even eat dog biscuits! She thinks she's a dog. Really. If he goes out , she wants out. If he gets a treat, she wants a treat.

The other cat is more like a cat. She thinks the dog is a smelly mess.

Good luck!
Hi Gail,

I have two cats, and at one time had three. The two I have now tolerate each other. The important thing in bringing in a new family member. Is to know the temperment of the animails you have now. My older cat is more layed back. So I new she would most likely tolerate anything I brought in. Kept the new comer in the carrying case and let the other sniff her. Then let her out and kept an eye on them. It's improtant during this prosess to one let the other animails know you love them. Also to supervise the early encounters they have with each other. Not a bad idea to keep them seperated for a day if you can do this. Good luck with your new fur baby. martha
cat tips

cat tips

I have subscribed to and get several articles every day, one of which is a daily cat tip. Also get one for dog tip. You could check out this site and perhaps get info about animals every day. It's also a good site for just about everything.
cats ( to be or not to be )??

cats ( to be or not to be )??

Well after reading everyones say about this, I think I will just let things be the way they are. Right now everyone is happy !! Unless one of my pets dies , I'll just keep the 2 cats and l dog. Syl:eek:
Hey, I knew I would get a good response!
I have decided I must've been cuckoo to think of bringing another cat into the house. I have no spraying problem and certainly don't want to chance that huge problem!
My smooth fox terrier licks our one cats ears nightly. he loves it, and the dog really gets in there deep and so wet!
I will call my sister to see if she wants my neighbors siamese mix, it is a beautiful cat, but not for our family.
Thanks to all for your imput.
I guess if we add another pet in the future it will be another dog. Since we have a female I assume a male is the best bet for getting along?
I am so content with one dog now.
Even at my old age, we females get the 'nesting instinct' occasionally. When my daughter gets it, she gets a pet. So when it kicks in for you, go for it. Opposite sex of your doggy is a good idea, should you decide on another pet. Dogs can be trained - but cats are a bit harder (natural instincts, you know). Good choices you made. Congratulations God bless
Another Dog or Cat ????

Another Dog or Cat ????

Hi Hensylee.

When I look around and see my 2 cats and my dog sleeping by my feet while I'm on the computer, what a nice family I have. But My dog which is a mix of Lab and some kind of hunting dog. He gets so lonely outside. My 2 cats could care less if I get another cat, They love and Hate each other. Both are fixed. So to make a long story short, we are thinking very for sure about another dog.
bye for now. Syl
let me know how it goes with your dog and a new dog. My mom wants to get the terrier a pal. I'd be interested to hear what the experience is like.