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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2002
Fort Wayne, Indiana
I love this site and it's very helpful. However, being a newby I'm lost with most of the abreviations all you experienced users use.
Where can I find out what the ones are that stump me.


Dear Ter:
Since the beginning of time different groups had different languages and ways of communicating. The longer you belong to the group, the easier it is to understand their shorthand, acronyms. If you come upon things that you don't understand, you could ask others for claification in a post. I've been dealing with this for 12 years, and on this board for 18 months and still don't know the meaning of all the acronyms. Just means I don't know yet. If you post, I will try to help as will many others here. We are here to help in anyway needed. Welcome here. Let me know if I can help.
Regards, Blanche
There are two distinct kinds of abreviated shorthand used here.

The medical for the things that just get too tough to keep spelling out like TEE for trans esophogial echocardiogram or EKG for electro cardiogram. Also the shortening or cardiologist to card or cardio.

Then there are the conversational kind of shorthand that sometimes can be figured out from the context

BTW=by the way
MIL = mother-in-law
lol=laugh out loud


I never know for sure that I have gotten it right but little is lost if you miss one ot the conversational things. Just ask someone will give you a reading.



Maybe I am just not paying attention, but "boulders of calcium" on your aortic valve??? I've never heard that one before:D Very creative.
First day out of surgery my surgeon came to my room and that is about all he said to me. I was concerned that it was bicuspid etc and all he said was " its in the bucket and it was covered with boulders of calcium". You see, I had no symptoms and really questioned the "need" for the surgery. My ef was still 55% but my opening was down to .61 cm sq. pretty tight. I would have just dropped dead some day with exertion.

Sorry for posting those technical words from the doc. lol
