Ablation was a bust!

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Thanks everyone for all of your kind words. I got sprung today around noon. Not too bad of a stay. I really can't say enough about the staff here at Mayo. All of the nurses and Dr's are really spectacular. Everything went well but we did realize that I have a reaction to Heparin, so they had to discontinue it and I can't give myself the shots until I get my coumadin level gets up.

We fly home in the morning. I have a follow-up appt. with my local EP Dr. in 2 weeks. I'll decide between now and then if I want to go on any of those drugs or just let things be. I'm on coumadin for the next 30 days since I can't take aspirin.

I have another how small the world is story. I was chatting with my nurse in the middle of the night. She started telling me about her cousin who lived in North Carolina and got his MBA at Duke and how he now lives in Germany. I said his name isn't Neil is it? She said yes, how do you know that? It turns out he is one of my husband's best clients and really good friend. We had no idea that he had a cousin here who was a nurse at the Mayo.

Well, I get to go to the Dr. tomorrow and be checked for a pseudoaneurysm. I started to have periods of pretty good pain today in my left groin site. It isn't sore, but actually painful, enough at times to take my breath away.

So, (you guys are going to love this!) I called my local EP Dr.'s office and spoke to the nurse (not his regular one, I need to say) and told her what the deal was. She said, well, since we didn't do it, you need to go to the Mayo and let them check it out. I said, "Ummm, the Mayo is in MN, we are in Charlotte, I really don't think that is going to happen." She said, "You mean they did it and then sent you home?" UH, Yeah. I was thinking to myself, "Is she kidding?" So, she then told me to at least call the Mayo. They told me to get it checked tomorrow (since I don't also have swelling and other symptoms) but if the pain got too bad, go to the ER. So, I will take care of that tomorrow.

I also heard from my cardio at the Mayo today. She apologized for not getting in touch with me earlier in the week, and then told me that I need to have another EKG to see if my QT interval has changed so that I can go on the Tikosyn. I think they really think that is the best drug for what is going on in my heart. So, fingers crossed, my EKG will be changed for the better this time. I need to check with Niki and see how she is doing on it.