Abdominal Pain In Right Side

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, how are you? I am here. It is 11PM and I am up with Erik. I thought I would let you guys know that I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow at 10:40 AM, and will have my abdominal area checked out. I will let you know what they tell me. Here are my symptoms...

recent UTI with lower back pain
right side abdominal pain
frequent urination.

I did go to the ER about the back pain and UTI, but they said "why did you come in you already have SOME Cipro" and gave me 4 more days worth. I finished it and while it doesn't hurt to urinate, I still do it A LOT! I have checked for pregnancy(I got fixed 19 months ago but hey) and THAT was negative. SO I don't know. Will update you guys tomorrow.
Don't you hate these pesky infections? I totally sympathize with you about the UTI.. just got over one myself :(

Do you still have your appendix? I had trouble for several years with lower right abdominal pain... exploratory surgery was done and I was found to have acute appendicitis, something that they didn't suspect since I didn't have severe pain.

Good luck!

Take care,