A Tearful Farewell to a Beautiful Place

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
For approximately 18 years, my husband & I have been vacationing in Big Lake, a beautiful RV campground nestled in the White Mnts. of Arizona.

The elevation in the campground that we stay is 9200'. We had not visited since 2003, three 3 years before my last OHS in 2006 so I was fearing the worse being that I had been forewarned by my cardios to AVOID high elevations due to my ongoing CHF. And they weren't kidding!

During our stay, the slightest activity would leave me gasping for breath & feeling faint & disoriented. Even climbing in & out of the truck or the RV proved to be so physically hard that I would have to wait until my heart stopped racing & a dull ache in the middle of my chest would decipate before going on to other things. A dull headache was my my unwelcomed friend almost every day & the nights were even longer & much worse. I would pile 3 or 4 pillows in a attempt to lie down without feeling like I was drowning & sleep came only when sheer exhaustion took over.

Finally Thursday, I finally stopped fighting the illusion that I was going to feel better & told my husband that we should leave. It was hard to accept that that part of my life was over & that the woman that I used to be did not exist any longer. :(

So as we drove out, I turned and bade a tearful farewell to this beautiful & enchanting place that had captivated us for so many years.

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I am so sorry to hear your story. I love the Rockies but have similar problems there (especially in Leadville, Colorado - a place with lots of fond memories).

I wish you all the best in finding a place that will provide future memories of similar awe.
Thank you Gina.

As we left, my husband held my hand & said, "our travels are not over, we just have to be more cautious & check elevations before we go anywhere from now on."

So yes, even though those of us that suffer from ongoing CHF, we just have to listen to our bodies & accept our limitations & go on with whatever we can.

I am so terribly sorry that a cherished part of your life will be no more! Norma, you impress me though, as a women who is very strongly grounded in your faith. I trust that will help you considerably through any difficult times in your life. I have been reading your posts on the forum since Jan 2008. I have come to admire your character, and strength!

I'm happy to know you through this forum, even though we may never meet in person!

Things will get better for you. This I believe.

I am so terribly sorry that a cherished part of your life will be no more! Norma, you impress me though, as a women who is very strongly grounded in your faith. I trust that will help you considerably through any difficult times in your life. I have been reading your posts on the forum since Jan 2008. I have come to admire your character, and strength!

I'm happy to know you through this forum, even though we may never meet in person!

Things will get better for you. This I believe.

Thank you Kathy but never say never my friend ---- who knows, perhaps some day we will meet! :)
Oh Norma, I felt tears swelling up in my eyes when I read your story. It is so beautiful up there and we enjoy it also every once in awhile. I to have to be careful when going up to that high of an elevation. We stay at a resort in Pine Top which is'nt as high as Big Lake so that helps alot. We have to give up so much activities that we once enjoyed or we have to change things around. Just sorry you have to do it with the White Mountains. The positive side is you'll probally find another beautiful place to go too and enjoy!!!
Kathy I'm so sorry that can't go back to this beautiful place. I too have problems with high elevation. Maybe that goes hand in hand with people with heart/lung problems.

I know there are other beautiful places to see and you will. We have a lake cabin in around Arkansas and the hills/mountains are beautiful there. This time of the year when the trees start turning are breath taking. I love it ! ! If you're ever around this area, let me know and I'll show you some beautiful mountains.
Norma I am so sorry you had to give up going to such a beautiful place. I am sure you find another beautiful place to vacation but I know it must be hard on a person when we find out what our limitations are. I can always tell when I have done too much. The heart starts racing and the dizziness sets in. I have yet to learn that I am no longer the same as I used to be but I am sure that I will have to face it one of these days. Here's hoping that you find an even more beautiful place to vacation without the headaches and shortness of breath and everything that comes along with the chf.
Norma, I know you will find another special place. Don't give up!

I remember before my surgery when I had CHF, I had that same problem, although unlike yours, mine would pass in a day or so. I always assumed it was only those of us who live in very low elevations (my home town was 16 ft. above sea level), but have since found that even people who live in Denver have trouble at higher elevations. Just not enough oxygen to go around I guess.
It's too bad that Big Lake didn't work out, but there are so many beautiful places on this
continent that you can make into your new vacation spot.
Does this mean that you didn't bring me back any fish? ;)
I guess the word that pops into my mind is "modify", not end. I agree with your husband. Yes, it was a gorgeous place, but there are many gorgeous places in this vast country. You will find one that you will love and that you can enjoy.
I am so sorry you had to leave Big Lake Norma. Hope you find something you like just as well. No CHF can take your memories. Those will always be with you. As you DH said "your travels are not over". You can make new memories.
I am so sorry, Dear Norma, that you could not enjoy Big Lake as you did before or as you wished to, but remember you have your memories to cherich and that you will discover other parts that are as beautiful that you will grow to love as well and start new memories. It is always hard to say goodbyes! But life continues and make the best of it as much as we can...forgetting yesterday as it is no longer ours, not worrying about tomorrow which is neither ours, and enjoy TODAY!

I felt sad reading your post but got over it as I know you are a strong woman and you had overcome many worse hardships in your life before and continued to appreciate where you are now. So, continue to do so, my dear, and you shall be fine discovering new areas at a low level and as beautiful as Big Lake!

Hugs, :)
I feel very much like you do Norma. My love is in flying private aircraft and I cannot go up ever again. If it's not the pressures on my lungs causing blebs to burst, it's CHF acting up as badly as you describe. I too, tear up sometimes when I watch someone fly overhead and remember the "Good old days".

Everyone wanted me in Colorado for the reunion. I asked my Doctor what he thought and his answer was, "Are they trying to kill you?"
Norma, I'm sorry that you aren't going to be able to go back to the place you love so much. I agree with others though, there are far too many beautiful places in this country that are going to be much easier on your body.

On a side note, I never realized that our hearts could cause problems at altitude. I've always gotten terrible altitude sickness and it has pretty much kept us from taking family vacations out west to go skiing. My husband has always wondered if my heart had something to do with it. I'll have to ask my Dr.

I hope you were able to enjoy some of your time out there and weren't just completely miserable.

Very glad that you are back.

Hi Norma! I am so sorry this happened...this is my mom totally. We went with her to South Dakota last year-she felt just like you-we were between 6500-7000 ft. Never again for her! Still lots of fun places to go-just have to watch that elevation!:) Deb

I believe much of what you were feeling was due to the PH. I know higher elevations are not good for folks with PH.
It IS a beautiful place. Got a bit teary-eyed myself reading your post. Your husband has the right attitude. There are many beautiful places in our country at sea level. ;)

I'm sure you have many beautiful places yet to see.
Like the others, I feel for you and can sympathize with that feeling you get when you just can't do something that has been an important and enjoyable part of your life anymore. I hope you do find something that fills that void. I'm glad you have a husband that cares so much for you to go through life with. It sounds like a wonderful place and I hope you can revisit it many times in your memories.

Sorry that paradise isn't paradise any more...

We get attached to favorite places, sometimes merely emotional, sometimes because of climate, beauty, other visitors, amenities, etc.

Make a list of what has repeatedly drawn you to this place. Perhaps there are websites for other places that you can use to compare against this favorite place. Just a thought.

It **is** hard to say goodbye to a favorite place, particularly when it's been your paradise.

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