A sad story.

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I don't know if any of you old hands here remember but about 15 months ago I told you about my sons two friends who were killed in a car crash here in Scotland .The commmunity was devastated and so were the two sets of parents as both were only children.
On Christmas Eve I along with many others in our community attended the funeral of one of the mothers'. She had heart problems but after the death of her son she refused medical help and in her grief turned to losing herself in unhealthy past times. When she was admitted to the hospital just over a week ago no one including her husband had any idea just how ill she was and how quickly the body shut down. She died days before her 50th birthday. Her mother of 80 has now lost her only child and grandchild.
It has shocked me how quickly she went from being at work to her death and it has also shocked me how right the Drs were when the told her that alcohol was not good for her. I also find it selfishly, a little bit frightening in how often she told me that my heart problems were so much worse than hers...maybe one can really die from a broken heart ?
Sorry to share this with you at this time of yr...but it has been hard to lose and friend and even harder to find any words to say to her husband and mother that don't sound trite.
Take care all of you
I remember it well, Scottie - and how devastating it was to you and your neighborhood. How sad that one of the mothers is also gone now. I do believe that one can get so wrapped up in grief that the body deteriorates and can eventually lead to death. If you can call it a broken heart, then that's what it is. She just grieved herself to her grave. I am so sorry and my sympathies to you and all of her family. There is probably not much you can say to her family that is comforting now, but in days and weeks to come, you will stay in touch and that is the important part.
I believe that it is totally possible that her grief is what ended her life. The will to live, once compromised, can be an enemy for a persons well being. It's very sad for all involved. :(