A request for some prayers

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I am so sorry of the difficult times you and your family are having. I will certainly include you in my prayers.
Update on Cristi's mom

Update on Cristi's mom

Hi Friends,

We finally had some good news yesterday. The scans showed the cancer has not spread beyond the lungs! Very good news! The tumor in her left lung, where her pain is, is in the pleura wall. We can be grateful that its location is causing pain otherwise she would never know she had it. That tumor has doubled in size in 6 weeks. The other side hasn't grown much at all.

She started Chemo yesterday. She is on a standard protocol along with a trial drug, gleevec. They will check her progress in 2 months and if she has results, she will continue on these drugs for 6 months. If she doesn't show results, they will change her to another group of chemo drugs. If they can get her into remission she may have a chance. This cancer almost always reoccurs but we will deal with that if it does. We are all feeling pretty good about things today. We don't know what side effects she will experience, if any. There are many and the most important thing is to prevent infection. Every 3rd week of her 4 week chemo cycle will be the lowest point for her white blood cell count and when she will be most at risk. We'll lock her up in her room that week!

All your thoughts and prayers have helped! Keep it going!
Thanks for all the support.
Rob, Cristi and Family
That's good news in a sense. No matter what, it's going to be a battle. I'm still praying for the best possible result. Keep us updated of course.
Thanks so much for keeping us filled in. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

Praying for strength, peace, healing and grace,
Oh Rob! Wonderful news! Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on her progress. Like you noted....' chemo is usually first. Once the tumor is reduced an option is to 'excise resection' (beleive that is the term) to remove it. Done!

Wishing you and yours all the best. Give Christi my best and enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Thank goodness it hasn't spread.

Thank goodness it hasn't spread.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanks Giving with your family. It's times like these that make us realize how special those family dinners are.

So sad to hear about Cristi's mother, but the good news is that the cancer has not spread yet. Hopefully, the cancer will be able to be put into remission for many years.

Your mother-in-law and entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Dear Rob,
I am so glad you got this good news. My father had multiple myeloma and is one of the very few people to have survived it. Survival is almost unheard of. I will always believe that it was his attitude that made the difference. I am telling you this so that you know that there is always hope and that prayers can and do make a difference.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Your In My Thoughts and Prayers

Your In My Thoughts and Prayers

Hi Rob,

Just wanted to let you know that It's been a rough year for alot of us and that your in my thoughts and prayers as well as your family. My father just found out 6 months ago that he needs a heart transplant and was forced into retirement. Just wanted to let you know that I am right there with you and hope that things will look brighter and brighter as the days move on. Take Care, Harrybaby666:D :D :D :D
hi rob!
glad to hear the good news. just wanted to let you know that you, critsti and your families are in our thoughts and prayers. please keep us up to date on how things go.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
Rob, you got it. I'll add your family to my prayer list! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. It is such a hard situation to handle because we feel powerless. I have a friend who received the same diagnosis 5 weeks ago, but it already had spread to his bones- which is what took him to the doctor- pain in his hip. He was told he would have 6 months at the most. He is only 54 and quit smoking 13 years ago. I'm am glad that they caught your MIL's in time. I know you must be a huge source of strength and support for Christi, let us help you when we can.

Prayers for your family,