A Little Christmas Music

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This link takes you to a site where members of an acoustic guitar forum that I belong to, have submitted their pieces. There is some beautiful guitar playing.

If you go to the lower list (songs to be downloaded) and click on Mary Did You Know, you'll hear moi. My friend Marshall, who plays guitar in the song, submitted it. It's a rough recording because it was recorded "live" at a Chicago Presbytery meeting we were asked to perform at. Another friend of mine is singing harmony and playing mandolin.

And to come full circle, before I had my valve replacement I was not able to sing for quite a while, do to the inability to take in enough oxygen. Now, 15years later my job revolves around my singing (and love of music). So the "miracle" of my valve replacement is rarely taken for granted.

Enjoy the music.
Cindy and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing you sing. That's one of our favorite songs. You have a very nice voice. Thank God for your miracle!
Karlynn......That Was Incredible!!!!

Karlynn......That Was Incredible!!!!

What an awesome song and awesome voice!! Harrybaby:D :D :D
Be sure to give a listen to the other pieces - these folks are pretty excellent pickers!
I had never heard that piece before, Karlynn, but it's lovely.
I'm glad that I was given a chance to hear the song, the singer, and the performers.
Thank you for posting the link.
So lovely -

So lovely -

thanks for sharing your gift of song with us, Karlynn. It was beautiful.

And the guitar playing is wonderful also. :)

Christina L


Karlynn: I saw the general heading of your post, and-assuming it was a link to a site with general Christmas music-I had put off opening it until I was someplace with hi-speed access. Today I realised it was a chance to hear you sing, and had my computer keep grinding away until it downloaded the song. OK-I loved the whole song, but the last part "the great I Am"-those words were so perfect-and I didn't see them coming-and you sang them perfectly. Four words that could take a lifetime to exhaust. It felt like electricity. And the way you ended-your voice was an integral part of the thrill.

Here is something I have thought about for a long time, and hope to write about. Imagine you are Mary-you have talked to angels-you have pondered their words and hidden them in your heart. And now, thirty years later it is ending so differently than you could ever have imagined. Now you are a mother at the foot of the cross. What was it like? We cannot imagine, but I think it is good to try to imagine.

Guess who would like to find a way to have that song on his computer?
Dennis S said:
Guess who would like to find a way to have that song on his computer?

I have an mp3 of it that I can send you, if you'd like. You'll probably want to wait to download it until you get to the high speed place you use.

The Passion of the Christ got some very "passionate" reviews from many people. Good and bad. (I was very moved personally) One of the things I thought it did extremely well is portray Mary's feelings. The flashback of Jesus falling as a toddler and her running to his side, juxtaposed with her seeing him fall as he's carrying the cross just about ripped my heart out. I doubt any mother could see that particular scene in the movie and not cry.

Another song you may have heard, that is one of my favorite contemporary pieces of Christmas music is Michael Card's Joseph's Song. Another one that no parent can listen to without getting at least a little choked up. I also have that one if you like to hear it. But the whole CD The Promise by Michael Card, has some terrific music on it.

Breath of Heaven is another one (Amy Grant has a nice recording of it.) that does a really nice job of portraying the feelings of a young Mary.