A little bit of exercising

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Rockville, MD
If you are up for bodyweight squats or maybe a little bit of squatting with resistance you can try this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw4Q0dlCX-I Just wear a weight belt and hook up the cable pulley machine to my belt in the front or back, and then squat, squat, and squat.

It goes without saying - please consult your Drs before trying out any of the stuff I post.

When your sternum is not fully healed here are the exercises that you can do. None of these put pressure on your upper body or sternum or shoulders and these are great in buying time till you can go back to your physical activities.

  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Paused Bodyweight Squats
  • Box or Sofa Squats
  • Cable Squats - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw4Q0dlCX-I
  • Horizontal Seated Leg Press Machine
  • Lunges
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Step-ups
  • Seated Leg Curls without holding on
  • Seated Leg Extensions without holding on
  • Banded Zombie walks
  • Banded Sumo Walks
  • Hip Thrusts/Bridges (could be done banded)
  • Seated Calf Raises
  • Weight Free Turkish Get-ups (lay down and stand up using your own body only)
  • Speed interval walking-sprints

  • flat bench leg raises
  • flat bench leg pull ins
  • flat bench bicycles
  • flat bench static elevated leg holds

I can add videos/instructions for most of these.
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Lots of good leg stuff. I did some today after cardio. Then I got curious so I tried one of the bicep machines. Basically the preacher curl but on a machine. Seemed like once I got my arms on the support pads I could do the curls without straining my chest. I did go pretty light. I also had good luck with the tricep machine. Similar deal. I think I can start working these in.

Also played with some abdominal exercises. I tried flat bench leg raises and flat bench leg pull ins. I both cases hands under the butt pushing down was key to unloading the sternum.