A Less then interesting evening

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well last evening will go down as one of the not so good ones.

Lyn was outside cleaning the grill off when she heard the sound of wood breaking. She looked back at our shed and there are two people breaking into it. Now I don't know why, but she ran back there and asked them what their problem was. After this, she comes to the house and tells me.

I jumped up and called the Sheriffs office. Meanwhile, the two are still back there claiming to be looking for a girlfriends cat. I wasn't sure if I should have loaded up the .357 and went for a stroll or just what, but I certainly didn't like the idea of my wife being out there facing two possible criminals. I stayed on the phone with the dispatcher as long as she wanted me on. She let me go with the deputies on the way.

Now here comes Lyn with these two guys in tow. She brings them to the front door and they profess that they didn't mean to cause any harm, they were only looking for a cat. Both of us looked at each other and at the same time asked them why they didn't bother to come ask us to come back and open the door? They decided to simply break the lock off and have a look for themselves. I told them they could explain it to the Sheriff because they were old enough to know right from wrong and what they did was pure breaking and entering. A Felony in Ohio.

Now were both wondering if we should have pressed charges or should just be happy that they have to pay for the damage. We've had our lives turned upside down by thieves in the past, so I don't take any of this sort of stuff lightly. I'm still highly bothered by it and the fact that they lied about breaking in, when they were seen doing it and then gave us false ID info, but the deputy got the correct the info. Why not just come clean in the first place? This has me wondering to no end whether we should have pressed charges or not.
That sure sounds like a fish or "cat" story, Ross. I'm surprised the deputy didn't have you press charges. Lynn is one brave woman!!
I dunno Ross. However, law officials run across more situations like this than civilians do.
Law officials can sort it out.

BTW, I've had to look for lost cats before. But -- break into a shed to look for one? Nope.
These guys were 18. Now no offense to some around the boards, but most 18 year olds I know around here have 0 common sense. I suppose I should just let this go. They didn't get smart mouthed with us, they didn't run, they basically were kissing our behinds, but it still bothers the crap out of me that they would do such a thing and then stand there and lie.

The Deputy asked us what we wanted to do. I asked him what he thought the appropriate action would be under the circumstances. They had no previous convictions of any sorts, no outstanding warrants, didn't get mouthy with the Deputy either, so he said it was really up to us, but he thought that they were just being stupid. I've been through the court hassles with my kids and I know what it's like. Maybe I'm too nice, but I told him that if they'd pay for the damages, I wouldn't press charges. Yet my Chi is troubled as though something still isn't right. Funny thing is, there isn't anything in the shed of value to steal. There is a hole in the roof and some of the feral cats use the shed as shelter, so their story about following the cat prints to the roof of the shed makes some sense. I don't know. Got to get over it somehow.
These guys were 18. Now no offense to some around the boards, but most 18 year olds I know around here have 0 common sense. I suppose I should just let this go. They didn't get smart mouthed with us, they didn't run, they basically were kissing our behinds, but it still bothers the crap out of me that they would do such a thing and then stand there and lie.

The Deputy asked us what we wanted to do. I asked him what he thought the appropriate action would be under the circumstances. They had no previous convictions of any sorts, no outstanding warrants, didn't get mouthy with the Deputy either, so he said it was really up to us, but he thought that they were just being stupid. I've been through the court hassles with my kids and I know what it's like. Maybe I'm too nice, but I told him that if they'd pay for the damages, I wouldn't press charges. Yet my Chi is troubled as though something still isn't right. Funny thing is, there isn't anything in the shed of value to steal. There is a hole in the roof and some of the feral cats use the shed as shelter, so their story about following the cat prints to the roof of the shed makes some sense. I don't know. Got to get over it somehow.

I think you did the right thing, Ross. Have faith that your goodwill taught them a lesson and they will stay away.
I think at least their parents should know about what they did. Isn't there some way to trigger a court hearing and then dismiss it? They may have done something stupid, but lately, many young people get the idea that ruining other people's property and stealing from others is OK.

It is, of course, not OK.
My take is a bit more severe. They weren't kissing your butts. They were manipulating you. They were smiling at you to gain your trust and lying through their smiles right to your face. Some of it made sense? Partial plausibility is the foundation for the lies that work best (Intelligence personnel/disinformation). They may have been there for theft, or looking for a place to hang out and (?, drink?, smoke dope?) during the cold weather.

No telling how often they've gotten away with similar things the same way when they were still juveniles (they're NOT anymore, by the way), and how many times they weren't caught because no one heard or because people were too afraid to confront them. The problem is, the more they get away with, the bolder they become over time.

I agree with your troubled chi. If they were being concerned about a cat, they'd have asked to look in the shed (your wife was outside after all), and they'd have identified themselves, instead of breaking into the shed and having false names at the ready. When they finally left, I'll bet they weren't looking for any cats anymore.

Whether you press charges or not, I believe the local police can, if they see fit. Especially since they admitted to breaking the door. Hopefully, they've been fingerprinted now, and can be tied to other things they've done. If not, at least the police know their names for any future pranks.

Good luck getting them to actually pay the damages. My guess is that if you get anything at all, it'll be a very small, partial payment and a sob story, followed by your never seeing them or the rest of the damage payments again.

Hmm. Sounds cynical, I know. Especially around the holidays. Yet some people just don't feel responsible for anything they do, nor have any interest or care how it affects anyone else. And sometimes they skate through without ever realizing any consequences. When these people touch your life, they bring bad things into it, and spoil whatever they touch with impunity. Not everyone is good underneath it all. Some few are sociopaths, or are just lazy and envious enough that they somehow feel they "deserve" have what others have worked for, only without the effort.
I think you've handled it right, Ross. True, I think their "looking for a cat" story was phony, given that they broke a lock. But sometimes a second chance is in order. Maybe I am a old softie. I had something similar happen years ago with young folks; I called the police, but then, having given them a scare, I did not press charges. Never heard of them getting into trouble again.
Ross, I'm going to say "Kick those young men in the ass".
They are not 8 years old, they are 18 years old and dam well knew what they were doing.
We try to be nice and understanding, but this "lost cat" story is pure crap.
Why are young adults being babied constantly......??
P.S. I'm very sorry that you and Lynn had to go through this disturbing event.
Oh they are going to pay for the damage because if not, all I have to do is call Deputy Kenneday and let him know and charges will then be pressed. That was clearly ordered by him in front of all of us. Tobagotwo, that is my exact feelings on the matter, but honestly, they had the chance to run and didn't. They could have taken off when Lyn walked the 100ft back to the house, inside and clear on the other side of the house. When they were at the door, I told them that I wasn't buying it and that they could save it for the sheriff when he got here. They agreed to wait.

While there are so many negatives about the situation, there were positives also. I have to agree that if it were true malicious intent, they would have ran. Thing that sucks about it all is that I went through Peace Officer training and I was looking at the situation through police officers eyes as well.

It was just hard to stand and watch Lyn confront them so far away and not being able to see their hands or anything. I really felt I should have armed and went out, but I could see it now. I'm holding them at gun point when the cops arrive. Who's going to have the Glock 40's pointing at them? Certainly not them.
I guess my first question is "were there actually cat tracks to be seen". Second question: "did anyone talk to the girlfriend to find out if she exists and has a cat"? If those pan out then maybe they really were just thoughtless.

Otherwise, it sounds like they got caught trying to steal something and came up with the best way to get out of trouble. I do wonder why they didn't run away so their story might be true.

Tough call - I have less and less patience with this kind of stuff the older I get. I see too many teenagers who seem arrogant and just plain angry out looking for trouble.

Even this type of break-in makes one feel molested. I am sure that is what you are feeling. These guys came to your home and did what they wanted - certainly not excusable no matter what the reason.
They wouldn't run if they were afraid you had seen them before, or if they live close enough to be concerned you'd see them again and report them.

Since you retain the right to press charges, it sounds like you've got some control over the situation. Let's hope this does put a scare into them.

Best wishes,
As a veteran police officer who spent most of this time working with young people I think giving these kids a break was good for the Christmas spirit. However being the burned out tired of being lied to officer pressing charges would have been good too. Still it is the choice of the complainant. Police have to report the incident in any case so the offenders have been identified for the next time.
Uh, why does the performance of these two men remind me of the performance of a man recently in front of a judge in Las Vegas??:confused: BTW, that man hadn't been previously convicted in criminal court either.

I'm not speaking as personally being a past victim - rather as coming from a line of Texas peace officers.

GeeBee hit the nail on the head with her comment about the molestation of you and Lyn as victims. It was a crime....case closed.
Sorry Gang, but no sympathy from me and I wouldn't except any excuse's unless their little "cat story" could be proven to be true.
Until then I would press charges, get them to pay for damages and get them to do community service work like shoveling MY snow until their balls fall off.

Nope! Me not nice when one knows the difference between right from wrong.
It's so hard to differentiate between a true criminal and just "messing around
where they shouldn't be" at this age. I knew one guy in school who got in
big time trouble,a police record ,etc over 1 infraction , and then I have seen
others "get over" over and over again with impunity. But I think I would have
done what you did...you just hate to give someone a police record so young.
Too bad you don't know their histories.
Tell your wife to be careful,anything could have happened. She is very
brave though and I'll choose her to be on my team anytime:)
Well the feral cats use the shed as shelter, so for all I know, they saw the cat tracks and used that as an excuse. Lyn tracked their foot prints as far as she could following supposed cat prints, but it was snowing and they got covered up.

I went out and looked at the damage. Problem: The friggin wood is rotted. The kids story may be plausible about pulling on the ring and the door just gave way. All in all, I have to give these kids the benefit of the doubt. At any rate, I'm going to put a new latch assy and lock on it with extra long screws and bolt the latch to the door from the opposite side, then fold the latch over the screws to that no one can remove them.

I need to demolish this shed. It's all I have to store things in presently, but it's really becoming a safety issue that I'm not sure I'm willing to risk. A storm ripped 1/8 of the back roof off and well, it's just too old and not safe for anyone to try to get up on it and fix it. Quite frankly, I don't know why it's still standing. I think the only things keeping it from going is a 2 by 10 that I put in the center when we moved in 11 years ago.
Well, you're really a nice guy. It doesn't matter though, whether your shed was in a state of disrepair. It is still YOURS and on your property, and these men were trespassing and breaking and entering your property. Good thing they didn't harm Lyn. You just never know these days. If they had a weapon it could have been disastrous.

They'd have a new police record, if it were me.

They are way too old for silly behavior. They are no longer children. They are adults. It is criminal behavior IMO.