A GREAT find

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Happy to be here
Supporting Member
Jun 19, 2001
Today I was searching "Feverfew and Coumadin" because our cardio said to "stay away from feverfew." This is what I found,
"Although there are do documented cases of feverfew interacting with warfarin in humans, feverfew has been shown to interfere with certain aspects of blood clotting in test tube studies." That answered my question...but, here is the GREAT FIND.

www.healthlinks.washington.edu/hsl/liaisons/jankowski/pharm309.html It is "Healthlinks:pharmacy 309 Library Lecture. There are links on this site to every sort of medical information source one can imagine...and...there are also instructions on searching specific databases, and more stuff than I can describe. I've bookmarked this one for future use. I think this is the best resource I have found to date. Hope others find this useful too.
Kind regards,
Thanks Ladies for the references! I always enjoy researching all the angles.

Again...my only advice from my cardiologist is NOT to take ANYTHING he has not prescribed. I believe in his advice and am wary of any herbal/natural or OTC usage. I follow/trust his advice above all!!!! He is adament about this.

Zipper *~*