A friend is going in for an aortic graph (graft?) and valve resue (reuse?) at Hopkins

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Not sure how to help him (other than to point him to this site, which I've already done). Not really sure what it's all about, prognosis, etc.

Any comments greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Rachel

Thanks, Rachel

Your suggestions, of course, make great sense. I worry for him.
The knowledge that you have also experienced OHS should help relieve his fears. It's hard to talk openly to others who haven't had the experience.
I am definitely NOT telling him certain things yet.

I am definitely NOT telling him certain things yet.

Mary said:
The knowledge that you have also experienced OHS should help relieve his fears. It's hard to talk openly to others who haven't had the experience.

I'll commiserate with him once he is experiencing them. But I don't want to put the cart before the horse.

i DID recommend he bring an iPod with plenty of audiobooks loaded up -- that week post-op in the hospital is inTERMINABLE, don't you think? My iPod saved me from going mad.
MitralMan said:
Not sure how to help him (other than to point him to this site, which I've already done). Not really sure what it's all about, prognosis, etc.

Any comments greatly appreciated.
I felt so relieved once I was through the operation, and I suspect he will too. Living with what seems like a time bomb in your chest is very stressfull. Encourage him to join us, and continue being such a caring, and supportive friend. They couldn't reuse/repair my valve, so I have a mechanical. I've had no trouble with it or the dacron graft. All the best, Brian