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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Hello there and I'm pretty desperate at the moment for an answer...any answer will help. I had a maze procedure done when having my valve replaced and today I have had skipped beats ALL DAY. I have made my husband listen over and over again and he said that yes in fact my heart beat does skip (and I can feel the flutter in my chest) and now it's been going on all day and into the night. AM i going to be okay? DO I need to go to the emergency room? Im freaking out here as this doesn't feel right!!! It feels like it is slamming in my chest if that makes sense and the sensation I'm feeling is aweful. Please help if possible as Im sitting here on a freaking Sunday night not sure if I need a Doctor or not.
If this is a sensation that is unfamiliar to you, then I would suggest going to the ER. I know how much of a pain that can be but it's the only way to find out if this is something benign or something serious.
If this is a symptom that you remember from a-fib then you will probably be OK to call your doctor tomorrow but, based on your post, I think this is something different enough to warrant having it checked.
Please take care.
You sound very stressed

You sound very stressed

and I think it would be best for you to go to the ER JUST to get reassurance as the arrhythmias are most likely benign and nothing to worry about. I know I have called the cardio on call several times for things that I thought were trivial because I have just made myself almost sick with worry and anxiety when those episodes happen. I have always found out the episodes were benign and once I got that reassurance, ya know, I was fine!! ;)

In the ER they may also be able to give you something for anxiety, such as Ativan, if you don't already take such a medication.

Take some deep breaths and have your hubby drive you to the ER - that is what they are there for. They will put you at ease and send you home and you will be able to sleep like a baby tonight. Promise.

Christina L
Is your skipping heart any better?

Is your skipping heart any better?

If it isn't and is still noticeable, I agree with everyone else- get to the ER ASAP. Let us know how you are doing?????
getting a bit worse now

getting a bit worse now

It is now happening about every minute or so. I dont have insurance and errrrr I dont know what to do here. I hate this. M hubby says it sounds like my heart is hiccuping. Im torn as what to do. Do you REALLY SERIOUSLY think I NEED to Go? waiting for you reply and thank you Im scared to death here.
I have had a few different strange beats at different times and my doctor has always said - "If it happens for a short while and goes away that's fine - BUT if it keeps happening for a longer period of time - always get it checked out -". Good luck and let us know how you go.
I think the irregularities have been going on too long to ignore. They should really be checked for, if nothing else, your peace of mind.


I am home from the ER (midnight now) and the Doctor says it is PVC. He said there is nothing to worry about and the slamming feeling in my chest is something to get use to. Thanks everyone and I'm calling my cardiologist in the morning to see what they think. Thank You again.
aren't you glad you made that trip to the er? atleast you must feel better and less anxious, right?
what did your cardio have to say today?
please keep us posted.
hope you are doing better,
Doctor Visit

Doctor Visit

The cardiologist can see me tomorrow at 11am. Today my skipped beats have seemed to double...in other words now it skips every 5th beat or so. It doesn't fell normal and In fact it is quite scary. I'm VERY aware that worrying and getting stressed out about this will only make it worse so I am trying to just relax and stay calm....however, HOW DO I STAY CALM WHEN IT FEELS LIKE MY HEARTS IS NOT BEATING CORRECTLY? Is this not dangerous? See I dont know anything about this stuff but it feels dangerous to me and very confusing. How can this be normal? I dont use caffeine or smoke or drink or have a life (no really) and feel as though this could be something to be addressed. They say I'm okay and make it of little importantance as they didn't get me in TODAY to see the Doctor. Does anyone know wtf? In the meantime I dont know if I should call the cardio again and tell him it has in fact started to do it more or just wait till tomorrow? what to do what to do? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
First off, I am glad you went to the ER despite the expense I know you will have.:( Assuming the ER doctor is correct and these are PVCs, they are benign, meaning not life threatening. However, as you have found out, benign does not always mean it's something you can ignore from a comfort level. Strong PVCs are VERY disconcerting and will cause you great anxiety and discomfort.
Hopefully your cardio can come up with a medication that will help.
I don't want to downplay this, but you'd be surprised at the number of us on this forum who experience PVC's on a regular basis. Its just that we don't normally notice many of them and its not until you have a reason to "listen" that you do.

I was bothered with A-fib episodes prior to the surgery back in January and have had a couple since I've been home. Mostly, I think I've been having PVC's which actually seem similar, but I liken them to be more like simply "missing beats". I've had PVC's virtually daily for the last week or so and am off to the specialist tomorrow. But I've been told that they're benign. They often simply go away. Others report living with them for years. I'm still learning what all of this means.

Hang in there. You're one of many and you'll be fine.
deep breath

deep breath

What a sigh of relief this is to hear!!!!!!! Thank you for posting. I am very heart sensitive since my surgery (okay down right paranoid) and just want to be sure Im okay. Once again Thank You very much for you input Im truly grateful to you all!
PAC's and PVC's are the "common cold" of cardiology and as everyone has said they are generally considered a benign nuisance.

Mine were triggered by CAFFEINE so you may want to cut out Chocolate, Coffee, Cola's, and any other source of caffeine to see if that helps to reduce the frequency and duration of your PVC's.

I found that a low dose of Toprol XL (an extended release Beta Blocker) controlled my PVC's quite well.

It is my understanding that rhythm problems are common for several MONTHS following the Maze procedure. Ask your cardiologist and/or surgeon about this.

Hope you can get them under control because they DO cause concern / anxiety and can leave you weak and short of breath.

'AL Capshaw'
Hayley... hi. I hope these PVCs stop real soon for you. But I've got to ask...and this maybe sounds silly... but what are PVCs? I'm still reading, reading...trying to learn here. Appreciate your help and please take care.
Thanks Tobagatwo for posting the PVC link ... I always watch for your posts as they're always so informative. :)


Good morning and Thank You for taking the time to post to my thread. I went to the Cardio yesterday and was told (my visit took exactly 7 minutes) everything looks "beautiful". I asked if they had all the info from the ER room from Sunday Evening's EKG and of course they did not although I did call Monday when setting the appt. and asked if those could be faxed to the Doc. so he could see the events from that night. Nope didnt get em and they dont care either. (It seems Im the only one who gives a s***.) I understnad that although these are not life threatening (or are they as I dont believe the Docs. anyone since they are wrong most the time and could care less about me) I really would like to know if I can make them more comfortable to deal with. I havn't had caffeine, nicotice, or ANY other stimuli other than anger due to lack of empathy (NOT to be mistaken for sypmathy!) from the heart doc. NOPE he says your fine and goooooood bye. Havn't you ever had the feeling you were rushed or what you are telling the Doc just doesn't matter since your not going to DIE at THAT moment? I dont think I will post here any more and I dont think I will go to the doc again. Im pretty much sick and tired of being sick and tired. The last thing I asked the doc was this, and I quote.... "Dr. Bryant would it be fair to say that since you have continually told me that I am okay and my heart is doing beautiful that in the future if I have some pain or some type of irregular beats with my heart that I DONT have to be seen in the ER even if something happens on a weekend? I should just re-assure myself that I am okay and just relax?" His answer was YES. Hmmmmmm
I'm SURE I sound like a broken record and in fact am so sick of myself It's unbearable. I KNOW how many people have it sooooo much worse and I feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself when SO many others suffer SO much more. I'm sorry if I ever offended anyone here. Im just looking for answers as Im so scared and have never felt so scared and unsure of myslef since my heart surgery. Thank you all so very much and Once again Im truly sorry I post too much and most the time I make it all about myself. I'm sure sick of hearing it too. Good luck to all and Thank you.
Believe, me, your reaction is quite normal. Dealing with a cardiologist who has never experienced A-fib or a PVC or a PAC and can quite calmly tell you that you're going to be fine is one thing, but when its your own heart just "a fluttering away", that's another story. Keep posting and reading the posts. Just realize that most people aren't going to tell you simply that you'll be fine because they DO NOT want to keep you away from the doctor when you do need to see one. But they will reassure you that what your doctor says makes sense and seems consistent. And we all will be glad to share our own experiences. No way to do this unless you keep posting. And we've all over-reacted at times, so we know where you're coming from.


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