A-Fib keeps happening

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May 27, 2010
Marietta, OH
I am on Multaq now, but the a-fib keeps happening. 3 times yesterday and also on Fri and Sat. The doctors office said that they feel the Multaq is working because my heart goes back to a sinus rhythm. It seems like the a-fib is lasting about 1/2 hour now. It always seems to happen when I am sleeping or resting in my chair. If I get up and move around, then it seems to stop. The doctor's office said that is a coincidence, they know of no one with the happening for them. My theory is my heart does will when it has a job to do and a load on it - but when it is in neutral and resting, it doesn't know what to do. I think it is a nice theory :smile2:

I had the a-fib in the hospital for 8 days, then started doing better. Got it again when I went off the Amiodorone. A-fib started again and I went back on the Amiodorone, but it really reacted on me with dizzy and almost a depression. So they switched me to Multaq which does not always work for everyone. I feel much better on it. The nurses in PT said they can tell how much better I am on Multaq as far as my demeanor, etc.

I write about my expeirnce for the new people so they know these things happen. I hope these things will eventually STOP happening. On the whole I am doing so well at 3 months post op, but this a-fib thing does not make me feel good when it happens. Hopefully, it will happen less and less eventually.

af sure sucks funnily enough when i had bouts of it my cardio said move around as much as you can? worked for me,mind you could have been the meds? hopefully it will calm down pat,

Sorry to learn the Multaq isn't working well for you. Hopefully with more time you'll get past this afib issue. The Multaq continues to work for me, and I like your heart theory.

I have to wonder why more Cardiologists do NOT prescribe SOTALOL which is a Beta Blocker that supposedly 'targets' A-Fib with FEW side effects. Several of our members report that Sotalol controls their A-Fib quite well.

Interesting theory Pat. FWIW I have had A-Fib events come on AFTER exercising as my HR dropped back to normal and then suddenly shot up well over 100 with A-Fib. Sotalol knocks it out in about 30 minutes.
I'm really sorry to read this Pat and I hope it soon resolves for you. I found A-fib/A-flutter very unpleasant. And it's dangerous.

I'm no medical person of course but here's a brainstorm: possibly your minerals are out of balance? Once when I was having some arrhythmia, my cardio ran a simple blood test for minerals and mine were not in proper balance and some were too low. Lots of things can contribute to that issue, excessive fluid depletion (perspiration, vomiting, urinating, loose bowels), and various medications (including heart medications, even in a cumulative manner), etcetera. When I developed post-op A-fib/A-flutter, I was readmitted and put on a temporary prescription of Sotalol (which quickly resolved my arrhythmia) as well as magnesium IVs.
What's it feel like, Pat (and others)? Fluttering in the heart, like racing pulse? Also symptoms of low circulation, or not?

I've had funny fluttery feelings in the chest occasionally for the month I've been symptomatic (still pre-op), but when I had an EKG last week and I asked if the tech saw any A-fib, she said no, just some arrhythmia.

I've read that Magnesium is Good for What Ails many of us. I think I saw a study that added it to the post-op regimen and got lower A-fib incidence levels.
Hi norm of the north

My a-fib feels like a fish flopping around inside my chest. My pulse is racing about twice the normal speed around 90 to 100 beats a minute. I can also sometimes feel my heart beat strong in my neck. Feels like the chair is hitting the back of my neck. They have to take the EKG while you are in a-fib to see it. I was in a-fib for almost 8 days after my surgery. I stayed in it a day or so, and then it would clear up. I was on meds like amiodorone and metropolol. Never had any other stronger treatment. They pretty much let me just lay until it would clear.

After being home I stayed on amiodorone and did not have a-fib until I was told to stop using it. Now I am on Multaq which I think is starting to help more. The a-fib now usually only last 1/2 an hour. It is just a funny feeling and I can't feel my pulse very well when it is happening. I can tell as soon as it starts.

I think everyone feels it slightly differently, but the fish flopping in my chest seems the best description for me.

What's it feel like, Pat (and others)?...
It may be fairly individual for different people.

I have a relative who has been in it for a couple of decades and isn't aware of it. I was in it for only a few days and it was overwhelming, knocking the wind out of me, clocked on an EKG at 198 beats per minute :eek2:
A-fib is better

A-fib is better

Lily -the nurse at my doctors office said some people are in it all their lives! They are on coumadin to help with the blood clot threat. I can't imagine that.

I had only gone to about 90 to 100 beats per minute - so it felt bad, but I can't imagine almost 200 beats per minute.

I had 3 one half hour bouts of a-fib a week ago and not had any since!!!! YEA Maybe the multaq is working or my heart is settling down. I will keep my fingers crossed that things are under control now. :D

NELSON - I love your turkey! LOL

Happy Thanksgivng to everyone. We are all very blessed with our new valves and the gift of life.

Lily -the nurse at my doctors office said some people are in it all their lives! They are on coumadin to help with the blood clot threat. I can't imagine that...
Yeah, my relative was converted a few times but kept going back into A-fib, without being aware of it, and was eventually told he'd been in it too long to get out of it anymore. He's been on ACT for about two decades.

Edited to correct: "...relative was cardio-verted..." not converted :redface2: :wink2:
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My mom is in constant a-fib and has been on coumadin for 27 years (uneventfully other than easier bruising). I was actually going to post to see if someone could tell me how they knew they were in a-fib because she doesn't feel anything at all because of it like racing heart or fluttering and stuff. The cardio and GP have never tried cardioversion or anything because they said for her, since she's out of rythm all the time, it's better to be constantly out or constantly in, vs going back and forth. When we get to Cleveland in a few weeks, it's one thing I'll be asking about... i.e. can they do a maze while they're in there to sort it out, etc. I asked her local cardio and GP about that and they said they wouldn't do it and take the chance of the in/out/in happening.