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I believe that quite a few of our members have had an angiogram done prior to surgery, although I don't recall any that have had it done in the same day. Many have gone in the day before for the angio and then had surgery the following day.

As far as staying on your back it will depend on how they plug the insertion point in your groin. I'm sure others who's experience is more recent than mine will weigh in soon.


My husband had his AVR on 10/22/04. 3 weeks before the surgery he underwent angiogram just to rule out any blockages. Angiogram is a pretty simple procedure, he had to stay flat in the recovery room for about 2-3 hrs, and then they made him walk up and down the hallway in the hospital to make sure there wasnt any bleeding. He was fine the next day. In his case they didnt find any blockages. If there are any blockages, they usually fix it at the time of AVR surgery. good luck to you ! you'll do just fine.

Dick had his catherization the day before surgery and had to stay on his back for 5-6 hours. He was admitted that day and had surgery at 7 AM the following morning. There were no blockages and that was a relief as that allowed him to have minimally invasive surgery.
Martha, The angiogram seems like a good idea to me. If you are going to need additional work done it would be nice to only have to be opened once. If it is done the day of your surgery then maybe some of your lying flat time will be while you are under anesthesia for your valve surgery.
The same-day angiogram is likely because of insurance. I had my catheterization (angiogram) the day before my surgery. Due to some convoluted regulations, the hospital insisted I stay overnight or I would lose my place for surgery.

Later, the insurance company tried to stiff my IC for the cost of his services, because they said it was an outpatient procedure, and he had no right to allow me to stay in the hospital overnight.

Rock<<<>>>Hard Place.

He eventually did get paid, but it was probably partly because I didn't wind up staying the normal five days. I vacated fully ready to go after three.

If it really bothers you, you should be able to have it on an outpatient basis beforehand, if the Interventional cardiologist is available. They probably just figured you'd be there anyway that day.

Best wishes,
Having an angiogram the same day as your surgery means that you will be having surgery in the afternoon or evening.

Personally, I would want to have the angiogram done before the surgery day and ask for a MORNING surgery when the surgeon is 'fresh'.


As Karlynn said, it depends on how the hole in your groin is plugged. My first cath 6 years ago had no plug, and I had to lay with that leg perfectly still for 8-10 hours with a sandbag over the hole. It was quite miserable. With my last one, a week before surgery, they used a plug. I don't remember the name of it, but it went down inside your skin and actually plugged the hole in the artery, leaving a 'bump' in my leg for awhile. I only had to lay still for a short while, like Bharati. It was no problem. What I don't know is how widespread the use of these plugs is. You should be able to ask if you'll be receiving one.

Having had 2 caths now, I know they are not hard to go through, so try not to worry. It wouldn't bother me to have one on the same day as surgery. It'd be kinda convenient. Save an extra trip to the hospital. The thing that surprised me, though, was the cost of it. The hospital billed be over $10,000 for everything. Insurance should do it's thing, so I'm not worried, but it still shocked me.

As for knowing the results before surgery, you'll probably be alert enough for the Doctor to tell you right after the cath, so you'll know going into surgery, for whatever it matters. BTW, it is extremely common to check for coronary artery blockages before valve surgery. Just because they're doing it doesn't necessarily mean they suspect it. Unless you have some reason to suspect that you do have a blockage, I wouldn't worry about it.

The bottom line: Don't worry about the cath. Focus more on being prepared for surgery.

Best of Luck. I'm sure you'll do fine!
As others have said the time you are "on your back" after a cath depends on what they do to "plug the artery". The last time I had a cath, they were not doing plugs (I don't know if everyone uses plugs these days or not - you should definitely ask). My cardio actually assisted in putting pressure on the artery for about an hour after the cath and then they switched to a sandbag. I was on my back for about 6 hours. One of the things they did for me was to put in a foley (sp?) which is a bladder drainage tube - made things a lot easier.
The only concern I would have about doing a cath the same day as the surgery is it doesn't leave much time to discuss what they find (unless they find nothing). Maybe that's good but I am not sure. Only you can decide if you are willing to just let them go ahead and fix anything they find. If you are willing then it probably doesn't make any difference and you don't need 2 seperate hospital visits.
Good luck on whatever you choose but, remember, ultimately, it is YOUR choice.
Smiles, :)

I had my cath on 3/3 and my surgery on 3/17. The timing was due to the fact that I lived in TN but had my surgery in NC. If I would have used my surgeon's cardios for my cath I would have had to reschedule my surgery since it would have taken several weeks to get a cath booked with one of my surgeon's cardios. I ended up having the cath done by my cardio here in Nashville. In retrospect I kind of liked having some time to recover between my cath and my surgery. Plus it kind of prepared me mentally by having a "minor" procedure done first in preparation for my surgery. It was like...that wasn't so bad...maybe the surgery won't be so bad...and it wasn't.


P.S. they used a plug on me and I was only on my back for about 2 hours, most of which I slept off the happy juice. ;)

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