a few questions?????

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey, how do you guys get your pictures under your name? I am SO curious, I tried it, but it didn't work.

Something else, maybe I'm just ditzy, which I won't deny, but does the airheadedness stay with you for a while? I find I still have the "pumpheadedness" every once in a while.

Wow, it's so hard to believe that just over a year ago, I didn't even know I had rhuematic heart disease, now, in two months my "newborn" will no longer be an infant, he turns 1 May 20th. He's still bald, but he's mobile, and fast at that! He crawls around like a little pro, and even pulls himself up. He's my little "monkey baby!" Ian, my other kid is 3. It seems like only yesterday that he was just turning 2. WOW!

It's weird, I thought I would be like wonder woman, excersizing everywhere, but I'm just normal now. I feel good though. I barely ever get sick anymore, where I used to get sick all the time, and couldn't fight off infections. I guess it's just all part of the wonders of life, huh? Well, maybe you will all see my picture on here soon!
Take it easy!
Hi Joy

In order to get your picture to display, you'll need to resize it (Check with Hank about size) then upload it from your computer as an custom avatar or simpler method, Ask Hank about all. If you think your up to the challenge, go to your user control panel, then edit options, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on change avatar. Select custom AV then browse your computer to find the picture to upload to the server. If you'd like, I can resize it for you if it's to large. Let me know and I'll PM you my email address. ;)

I don't know how to answer the "Pumpheadedness" question. I sometimes think it's all the meds they have us on, then again, maybe not.

I'll let someone else elaborate on that a bit more.
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The little one is a year old now? How time flies. Before you know it you will have teens!! And streaks in your hair. Just kiddin. They are such fun, aren't they. I am enjoying great grandchildren and they are so precious.

Don't worry about pumphead - it'll pass or you will just forget about it. LOL

If you send your pic to Hank, he can process it for you. He's good at that stuff. But there are some instructions someplace around, but pumphead here doesn't quite recall where.

So good to see you again. God bless
Hey Ann..... what passes? ha ha

Joy, glad that you are feeling better.

Take care,