A Botched Echocardiogram!!!!

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Yes, they are not going to charge the insurance co.

Yes, they are not going to charge the insurance co.

They were very nice about the screw up when I called them...I did also request that another technician perform the test, and I also requested from here on out that they send me a copy of what ever test results I do get as soon as possible instead of "dilly dallying around" I just hope that they find out what's going on, as I have been having this "swooshing" sound in my heart (to the point where I can feel it), and the SOB is getting worse and worse...if I so much as climb the stairs to my bedroom/bathroom, I am getting winded...I also called about an appointment with my Pulmonologist to get another PFT done as I haven't had one of these in a number of years, and with the new Diagnosis of PH, well it's probably time....Harrybaby :D :D :D
good work!

good work!

Harry, I'm glad you got that taken care of!! I have found that the techs will talk to me a little bit while they are working (of course, you don't want to derail the new echo by distracting them too much!!) But you might, in a simple, offhandish way, mention that this is a redo and that you've been very anxious about the false results. Maybe, they'll explain to you what they are looking for and what they see. They can't make an assessment, but they can tell you what they see. Of course, this may be too unsettling for you and waiting might be best. Your decision. What happened to me was that my last tech said, oh, well, you're doing great for a 50 year old woman with the heart of a 75 year old! Trust me, that statement has been riniging in my ears forever after!! :mad: but, I asked for it!!

So, conversation can be rewarding, but, again......be careful what you ask for!! :D

Keep us posted! Wishing you the best!

:) Marguerite
Thanks Marguerite, I will keep you all posted..

Thanks Marguerite, I will keep you all posted..

I just hope that they get it right this time, and I will not ask any questions if I think its gonna screw them up...Harrybaby
If there was a choice and no charge, make them do it over. we have to suffer this procedure, the least that can be done it to do it right the second time, at no charge. Good luck.

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