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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2002
Hi All.....In light of the fact that 9/11 is coming very quickly, I thought you might all like to see a wonderful tribute. Living less than 90 miles away from the WTC site in New York, and knowing people who perished, it has left an unbelievable feeling in my heart. Please feel free to forward this site to anyone you'd like.....may we never, ever, forget.



p.s. I know this doesn't have anything to do with valve replacements, so I hope I'm not posting "out of school," but 9/11 certainly has affected many many hearts.
Hello Evelyn, I must thank you and say that is a very beautiful site and really truly touched my heart. Living only 15 miles from the WTC, Knowing more than 350 people perished from my hometown alone, this terrible tragedy will live with me forever. Recently my uncle was given a medal for being one of the first officers at the scene, Luckily he had an angel on his shoulder that day and escaped with minor injuries. Thank you once again for sharing that beautiful site and I sent it to everyone in my address book, And I'm sure many others will. Hope you and Tyce are doing well. God Bless America!
Hi N

So glad you liked it....I got it from one of my yahoo dog groups and thought if we spread it around and send it to everyone we know, we will make sure 9/11 will never be less important. Your uncle truly is a hero as is everyone who was involved with the search and recovery. I can't believe it's almost one year. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when one of the teachers told me.....I couldn't believe him, and then the second plane hit. About 3 weeks ago we were in NYC and had to go to Ground Zero. I couldn't tell you how many people were there, just walking around, reading all the tributes on the fence, and staring at the site.....how truly tragic.

Anyway, glad you liked the website.

Hi Evelyn-

What a beautiful tribute. It brought tears to my eyes. The violence and senselessness of the acts, the tragedies of beautiful people gone, the inferno, the massive devastation at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the many, many heroic acts that happened will live with me forever.

God Bless America.
Hi Evelyn, I must say, it brought tears to my eyes too. Even though I live across the country from the WTC, it affects my everyday life. I am so proud of my husband, Kevin who is in the Navy, and my oldest Brother, Sid, who is in the Army. Neither of them had to go to afghanistan, but could have to. Kevin we have no idea where he's going to end up, but Sid will stay in Minnesota and train soldiers. I know it's hard, and as you've all seen on my thread about Kevin, it takes a special kind of family to be able to stay together and be a military family. The first person who died in Afghanistan lives out here, and was stationed in Ft. Lewis. He had a wife and two young daughters.

As I was watching Dateline, a couple of days ago, they had the story of three widow. Two of their stories actually touched me. One had a daughter who was 12 weeks old. Will never know her daddy. It would be SO hard for me to live after that. The other lady was pregnant. She had her baby 5 months after that. That would be SO hard!

I remember how I found out wbout it...My sister in law, who lives in york, PA called me and was frantic, She said, " did you know they are blowing up the world trade center?" I was asleep,so of course I didn't. I was only one week post of. I had my surgery on 8/27. On 9/11, to show my support for all the families who lost a loved one, I will be praying, and i will light a candle for them. It was a terrible day for america. God bless America!