6 Months -Shape-up, with reservations.

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, long time no talk, hgope all are well and happy new year. I am now 6 months post op from my bentall proceedure and many other complications. It is now going fairly well, just can't shake the feeling that I am on a ledge at all times and could fall at any moment into some new or repeat post surgery issue, I hate it. I am now starting to feel like I need to do something to improve myself and working out is what I would like to do. I become breatheless very easy, I am on metropolal and dont walk much yet so i am thinking this may be the issue. I want to begin lifting dumbells and barbells, doing pushups, stairclimber etc. My surgeon said I have no restrictions at all but I am reading that others in my same boat have been given restrictions as to weight and i need to find out the truth before i proceed. Please if anybody can set the facts straight and maybe give me a starting point to go from please do, I am in the boonies, no cardiac rehab so I need to get in shape now and get my 6 pack back.
cheers guys
I don't know anything about metropolol or why you would be breathless - but if your surgeon says you have no restrictions, then I'd think you should be able to do whatever you want! Your sternum has been healed for three months so there's no issues there.

The internet is full of beginning exercise programs, step one is a google workout :)

Have fun!
Gribur at 6 months post surgery the healing from surgery should be complete. If the surgeon says you have no restrictions then you are good to go. I had an aorta repair with my second surgery in 2011. I am a regular gym attendee. I have no restrictions on aerobic activity and do 3-4 spin classes at the gym a week. The only limitation the surgeon gave me was to avoid heavy weight lifting, as the surgeon put it if you can lift it without holding your breath it is ok. I was on Metroprolol for a year after the first surgery and 3 months after the second surgery and it was not a happy time. I felt like I had a hangover all the time without the good time before hand. I found Metoprolol very much limited aerobic exercise, I just couldn't get my heart rate beyond the 120's and my legs felt like lead when asked to work at high intensity with aerobic exercise.
Gribur - At 6 months I had just finished my 12-week cardio rehab program. I had no real restrictions, but due to heavy dosages of metoprolol (at the time, 100 mg/day) I always felt like I was towing a sled full of rocks. I may have been technically "healed" but I was not up to much heavy exercise, and I had much abdominal bloating and discomfort from the metoprolol. Over time we have reduced my metoprolol dosage twice (from 100 mg to 50, and now 25 mg/day), and that has made a world of difference. I am no human fireball, but I do more at the gym now than I did for the couple of years prior to my surgery. (We also tweaked the settings on my pacemaker, but the main difference is the meds.) With the reduced meds, I can at least see my abs (no 6-pack at 65 years old. . . ), the bloat is pretty much gone, and I feel far better - almost great. Give it some more time. We all heal at different rates. As time goes on, maybe discuss your metolrolol dosage with your cardio - maybe you can reduce it and see what happens. Of course, I would not do that without my cardio's agreement.
Hi Gribur,

I know that feeling - like waiting for the other shoe to drop....after my surgery it took a LONG time for me to feel mentally ready to resume my normal running activities. I was always afraid and ended up taking a stress test 6 months out to make sure the feelings I had were in my head (they were, all the times I felt like my heart was failing - it was in my head).

I had an aneurysm, so my only restriction was to not lift over 20 pounds --I'm okay with that, I'm a scrawny middle-aged lady...:) -- the only 6 pack I'll see is in my fridge.....

I do think getting some reassurance is good, for example if you can get your doctor to do a stress test, that might help you.

Rachel, just wondering - are you still restricted to lifting 20 pounds or less?

I think so, but I have an appointment in 2 weeks to see my surgeon (routine 18 month follow-up), so I plan on asking him that question -- as well as a bunch of others :)

I've never been strong, so in my case things weighing 20lbs or more have always been difficult for me. I suppose you could put GymGuy and me on opposite ends of the spectrum!
I asked my surgeon about lifting after having an aneurysm. He said I was okay to do weights and machines, just said not to do any isometric heavy lifting. I started out after my 3rd surgery doing very light hand weights at home, doing 'girls' push-ups and squats and lunges across the back yard. I felt very good and strong doing these exercises. Then, for some dumb reason, I just stopped everything. My muscle tone has gone out the window, and I know I need to start up again. I'm also not sure about your breathlessness. Get it checked out.
After I was taken off Metropolol I felt a lot better. I was working out at the gym doing squats and so on and felt breathless. A little while after the discontinuation, that was all gone. Double check why you are still taking a drug to limit your heart rate after this length of time and feel comfortable with the answer. Good luck.

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