Hello Sarah,
It will be 1yr Feb 12th, that I had aortic valve replacement surgery. I have a pig valve,(medtronic mosaic) I also. had complications. The second wk after the valve surgery, I had to have a Pericardial Window, for effusion. I developed PPS (Post Pericardial Syndrome) I still have pericarditus. The doctors have tried several standard meds, but nothing seems to work, except Prednesone . The pain,and symptoms subside as long as I take the Predesone. When I stop, they reoccur. I am going to change cardios. Maybe we can get a whole new take on this,(and treatment) Ask your cardio about the chest pain. It is possible that you have pericarditus. That is the main symptom.
Let me know what happens, and how you are progressing. Good luck, Kathy M.